The New England Colonies
Pilgrims and Puritans
Pilgrims Protestants immigrants Separatists Mayflower ship Mayflower Compact
Pilgrims Farmers? most farmed, but land was poor Fishing and hunting? I spend most of my time repairing tools and working in the fields. I also chop wood and build shelters. I cook, spin and weave wool, and sew clothes. I also make soap and butter, dried fruit, carry the water, and take care of the animals. Farmers? most farmed, but land was poor Fishing and hunting? also failed, not good in the area Some traded corn with the Indians for fur Trade? Education? taught their kids to read and some indentured servants Rights?
Pilgrims and the Natives 1st Indian they met was Samoset -told them about the people and the area Patuxet Indian - had lived in Europe and spoke English - helped establish relations w/ local Wampanoag Indians
Great Migration Puritans Protestants they wanted to purify or reform the Anglican Church Great Migration 1629-1640 Massachusetts Bay Company led by John Winthrop Puritans believed that they had made a covenant, or promise, with God to build an ideal Christian community. They came well prepared with plenty of supplies and livestock.
Where are we?
Massachusetts Bay Colony Religion and Government Religion and government were closely linked. The leaders were church members They had to obey English Laws. Created General Court to run the colony. Puritans turned the court into a type of self-government to represent the needs of people. in order to join the church - had to pass a public test of faith - to become one of God’s “elect” Each town had 2 or 3 delegates to the court - selected John Winthrop and his associates - it became a 2 house, or bicameral, legislature.
Connecticut Providence Rhode Island Portsmouth Rhode Island Thomas Hooker and his followers left Massachusetts and founded Connecticut He wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. It gave non- church members the right to vote. Different religious views amongst the Puritans? Minister Roger Williams - wanted his church to separate completely - criticized the General Court for taking land from the American Indians without payment. They made him leave the colony!!!!!! Providence Rhode Island Williams - believed in the separation of church and state. - believed in religious tolerance for all members of the community Anne Hutchinson - publicly discussed religious ideas - believed that people’s relationship with God did not need guidance from ministers. - Puritan leaders put her on trial and kicked her out of the colony!!!!! Portsmouth Rhode Island part
Worst Conflicts Witch Craft Trials 19 people were put to death!!!!!!!
New England Economy Merchants Shipbuilding Skilled Craftspeople - important industry - plenty of materials from forests - as trade grew and for slaves the need for more ships grew for merchants and fishermen - trade with local, other colonies, and over seas - furs, pickled beef, and pork - grew wealthy, leading members of society Skilled Craftspeople Fishing - sent sons to learn trade as apprentices (lived w/craftsman & learned skill)- became journeymen - blacksmithing, weaving, shipbuilding, printing - leading industry - merchants exported- dried fish - hunted for whales- valuable oil
Education in the Colonies Public Education 1647 General Court of Massachusetts issued that every township with 50 families have a school. “New England Primer” Higher Education 1636 John Harvard & the General Court founded Harvard College By 1700, about 70% of men, 45% of women in New England could read & write