NATIONAL COORDINATION POINT FOR THE EQF (NCP EQF) Urška Marentič Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for VET
NCP EQF SLOVENIA Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for VET (CPI) October, 2009
COMPETENCES OF NCP EQF provides access to information on the SQF, EQF and QF-EHEA on the website provides information on and promotes the SQF and EQF cooperates with the competent international institutions (EC, CEDEFOP…) cooperates v network of NCPs for the EQF
prepares material and coordinates the work of key stakeholders in referencing national qualifications to the EQF via the SQF oversees the development of the SQF and monitors its implementation publishes qualifications in the register of the SQF qualifications establishes and maintains the register of the SQF qualifications and links to the EQF portal COMPETENCES OF NCP EQF
proposes procedures and criteria for the placing of the supplementary qualifications in the SQF appoints groups of experts for the placing of the supplementary qualifications in the SQF provides expert and technical support for the work of the expert committee of the NCP SQF-EQF COMPETENCES OF NCP EQF
REFERENCING REPORT SLOVENIA Referencing the Slovenian Qualifications Framework to the European Qualifications Framework for LLL and the Qualifications Framework for the Euporean Higher Education Area (2013, 2014)
SQF for SECTORS Publications showing the structure of qualifications and descriptions of all the qualifications in the various fields of expertise which can be obtained in Slovenia. Description of the qualifications for 29 sectors.
Promotions of the SQF Graphic design of the SQF Website for SQF- Online SQF register ‚SQF newsletter ‘ Promotional material