Introduction to EC2 History
Bell Task (5 minutes) Talk to the person beside you about the following: 1. What is your name and where are you from? 2. Do you like studying History? Why? 3. Which historical figure, dead or alive, would you most like to meet and why? You will have to share this information with the rest of the class
Aims for Hull’s School students Personal Confident and independent Disciplined and willing to make an effort Cultured Critical thinkers with an enquiring mind Engaged and enterprising Fulfilled
Aims for Hull’s School students Social Good team-workers Fair players Considerate and respectful Caring Involved in the community Informed about current events
Aims for Hull’s School students Academic/ career Successful Fit for challenges Able problem solvers Innovative Creative
School Rules Speak the target language Do not interrupt others Respect others and their property Come prepared with all the relevant material Be ON TIME every time! Turn off your mobile telephone. It must be in the basket for the duration of the lesson Only water is permitted in classrooms Participate fully in classroom activities and do not be disruptive
Moodle… Log on with your personal login details Select your course EC2 A IGCSE History EC2 D IGCSE History EC2 E IGCSE History Check for weekly homework assignments and other information Also use the IGCSE History Resources page for more documents and information Find the ‘Course Outline’ and the ‘IGCSE Specification on the top of your class page
Homework Homework assignments should be written down at the end of each lesson and checked on Moodle if necessary All homework will be completed to the best of your ability and handed in on time Homework must be written on Hull’s School Paper All homework marks go towards your report grades!
Punishments If you do not submit your homework on time You will get detention and must still complete the homework. The only person who can excuse you is Mr. Collicutt If you submit the homework the next day, you cannot receive a grade higher than 4.0 If homework is submitted more than one day late, you will receive a grade of 1.0 If you do not complete the homework, you will receive a grade of 0 If you do not attempt homework fully You will get detention and have to do the work again If you do not bring all required materials to class You will get detention
What Will We Be Studying?
Guess the Topic USA, 1917 – 1929 (Paper 2)
Guess the Topic Germany, 1918 – 1945 (Paper 1)
Guess the Topic The Changing Role of International Organisations: the League and the UN, 1919 – 2000 (Paper 2)
Guess the Topic Superpower Relations, 1945 – 1962 (Paper 1) I’m Stalin I’m Truman I’m Fidel Castro I’m Khrushchev
Specification You have received the relevant pages of the IGCSE History Specification The full specification is on Moodle
Examination Details
Examination Dates Paper 1 – 6th June 2016 Paper 2 – 14th June 2016
Examination Details Paper 1 1 hour 30 minutes 50 marks 5. Germany, 1918 – 1945 8. Superpower Relations, Paper 2 1 hour 30 minutes 50 marks A4: USA, 1917 – 1929 B3: League of Nations and UN,
Grade Reports You will receive grade reports in December, April and July December Class participation in English 10 % Homework assignments and quizzes 30 % Major progress tests 60 %
Grade Reports April Class participation in English 10 % Homework assignments and quizzes 20 % Major progress tests (Mock Examinations) 70 %
Grade Reports July Class participation 10% IGCSE Homework and Tests 40% Final Project 50%
Translating Swiss grades to British Swiss Grade Edexcel Grade Percentage Interpretation 6A* 90 – 100% Outstanding Passing Grade 5.5A 80 – 89% Excellent Passing Grade 5B 70 – 79% Very Good Passing Grade 4.5 C (Hard C) 66 – 69% Good Passing Grade 4 C (Soft C) 60 – 65% OK Passing Grade 3.5D 50 – 59% Poor Failing Grade 3E 40 – 49% Very Poor Failing Grade 2.5U 0- 39% Clear fail, must repeat year or cease taking this subject.
Organisation The more organised your notes, the easier it will be to revise and the better you will do in exams! Keep all handouts in order in your file If you miss a lesson, make sure you get any missed notes and handouts. Mrs. O’Connell will leave missed handouts in the plastic box by the door There will be regular file checks!
TIPS Keep up with Homework and Assignments Use Moodle Make a Revision Plan Do this at the start of the year. Do not leave it too late Bring all materials to class Communicate with your teacher If you have a question or need help, me on Do not leave it too late to get help If you feel like the lady in the picture, ask your teacher, year head or parents to help.