Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado “Donato Bramante” Vigevano, Italy
Vigevano Vigevano is in Lombardia, near Milan. Our town is not very big, but it is beautiful.
The Ducal square Piazza Ducale in Vigevano is a large and beautiful Renaissance square.
The Castle The Visconti-Sforza castle can be considered a small town inside the town, being one of the largest fortified structures in Europe. Leonardo da Vinci lived here and he probably designed the beautiful Stables.
Ticino park (Parco Lombardo della valle del Ticino). It is the first regional park in Italy. There are a lot of animals and plants. Here you can do a lot of activities: canoeing, fishing, trekking, etc.
Rice Vigevano is surrounded by rice fields and fields of wheat. Our area covers most of the European rice production. Because of all the rice fields, unfortunately, there are also a lot of mosquitoes during the summer
Our school is surrounded by tall trees, above all oaks. In winter the trees are sometimes covered by snow, and in autumn the leaves are beautifully coloured in red, orange, yellow and brown Around the school…
Computer Room This is our computer room. Here we are studying for ECDL tests.
Music Room In the Music Room there are different musical instruments. In this classroom we can play the piano or other instruments and sing.
Theatre Here we organize concerts, shows, celebrations and… … exams KET exam
Gyms In our school there are two gyms: one small and one big. Here we can play football, volleyball, karate and tennis.
Who’s involved in the project? There are two teachers and four classes involved in the project “My bread, my country” Teachers: Annalisa Raschioni, Valeria Cantone Pupils belonging to the following classes: 2A 2C 2E 2F
II A Hi guys, we're talking to you from Vigevano, a town near Milan. We attend 2A. We are 24 pupils: 13 girls and 11 boys. We like doing videos. We are sure we will enjoy ourselves!
II C Hi there! We attend 2C. We are 21 pupils. We are happy to be part of the project “My bread, my country”. In our class we know many different types of bread, including the ones made by foreign families (from Turkey and Morocco)
II E Our school is called Donato Bramante. We are the pupils in class 2E. We are 18 pupils. In our school there are pupils from different countries, and the same in our class. We are multicultural. Thanks! Keep in touch!!!
II F Hallo!!! We attend 2F. We are 22 pupils. We are happy to take part in this project. See you soon online!