THE MOST AWESOME LAKE IN THE WORLD! Also the deepest fresh water lake in the WORLD! By Mike Quentin and Jack Scientific name for lake Baikal: Ozero Baykal
The first Russian explorer to reach Lake Baikal was Kurbat Ivanov in The Trans-Siberian railway was built between 1896 and Construction of the scenic railway around the southwestern end of Lake Baikal required 200 bridges and 33 tunnels.
Lake BAIKAL has over 2000 species. List of animals Bear Rein deer white tailed deer, elk, moose, musk deer, Siberian roe, wild boar Roe deer, polecats, ground squirrels, field-voles wolves Squirrel, American Mink Wolverine (Gulo gulo)
Sponges (Lubomirskia baicalensis) they take good care of the animals by letting them eat them and then they grow back really fast. Flying fish (safasf) they move by moving with the flow of the Lake. It is also a kind of Baikal seal (nerpa)
There is UFO at the bottom of the lake Ghost captain at the bottom of the lake Magical chest at the bottom of the lake Lake Baikal monster (sturgeon fish)
Deepest fresh water lake in the world The lake is 30,000,000 years old Lake Baikal is the purest lake in the world There are 300 streams and rivers going into it
Wikipedia (lake Baikal) World book Google images