By: Zoe Antipas,Samantha Beebe, and, Christian Victorino
Russia is mostly in Asia but, its capital, Moscow is in Europe. Russia is the largest country and it covers 9 time zones, all climate zones except tropical.
Russia has an interesting language. Hello in Russian is zdravstvuyte and thank you is spasibo. Please is pozhaluysta and good day is dobryy den. Good morning is dobroye utro and good night is dobroy nochi.
People in the Caucus mountain regions have been making wine for as long as 7,000 years. Today, people in Russia still love good food and drinks. Do you know what Caviar is? It’s a food made of salted fish eggs.
People in Russia use many of the instruments that are used in North America and Europe. But they also have some instruments of their own. The balalaika is considered the national instrument of Russia. It sort of looks like a guitar but different. Another old-fashioned instrument is the gusli. It has up to 36 strings. People play these instruments by plucking the strings with both hands.
Russian folk dance was and still is an important part of Russian culture. Some of the first Russian folk music and dance appeared around the 10 th century. In turn, culture mix of music and dance helped develop Russian folk dance. Typically, the upper classes would watch performers rather than participate in dances. Costumes were beautifully designed with great detail. Typically the clothing was based on specific events, such as holidays, and would vary between these events. m
Some Russian art pieces are, Faberge eggs, Nesting dolls, Painted boxes, and Golden khokhloma. Faberge eggs are like Easter eggs, but very decorative ones. Nesting dolls are like regular dolls, But when you pull one of them apart instead of it being hollow inside, it has another doll inside. People in Russian villages are famous for painted boxes. They make the boxes out of paper mache, then they paint beautiful pictures on them. Russian towns make another type of art. It is known as Khokhloma. Artists from these towns carve wood into vases, candle sticks, and other items. Then they paint them with bright colors including, red, green, and gold.
New Year’s day is the most popular holiday in Russia. Some families place glass balls or other glass ornaments on their Christmas tree. Easter is the most important Russian Orthodox holiday. Feasts are held in homes all through out the week.
Traditional Russian clothing was designed Russian women’s and emotional. Russian costumes are not only beautiful, there are also convenient in wearing because they were created for work without restricting freedom of movement.. The variety of color for traditional costume display for beauty and ethnic diversity. Red fabric cloth was considered to be the nattiest one, and, by the way, The Russian word “beautiful” comes from the word “krasny”, the Russian word for “red”. Homemade canvas and wool clothes decorated with embroidery or woven pattern have been used most often for traditional peasant costumes. Embroidery came in different ornaments.
Russians are very active in the Summer. Cities are really populated with high temperatures. A lot of individuals leave the city for a little walk in the country and by the water. For instance, many frequent dachas or unheated wooden cottages. Along with escaping dachas, Russians also escape to areas by water. They enjoy swimming, boating, and fishing for recreation.
Russian transportation is very interesting to some Americans. Railways such as the Trans Siberian Railroad. Railways move half of all passenger traffic in Russia. A few highways link cities. Water transportation is important both by sea, river, and canal. In the Summer people travel long distances across Russia on passenger boats. There are flights to most world capitals and major Russia cities.
Compare and Contrast: America is very different from Russia. Summary: There are lots of Russian folk tales. Some of them are Little Round Bun, Little Snow Girl, The White Duck, Snow Maiden, and, The Cat and The Cock.
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