Jigsaw Project By Brian Cox and Gianna Placa
Religious Wars and Conflict: Italy 1494 King Charles VIII of France has an invasion on Italy This began a series of wars for control over Italy The control over Italy was shuffling between France, Spain, and England. This involved several popes, Charles V of Spain, and Charles VIII of France. In 1527 Charles V of Spain had the sack of Rome, causing the culmination of fighting for Italy the wars ended which caused the Italian renaissance to expand even further.
Religious Wars and Conflict: Germany In 1524: thousands of German peasants stormed castles and monasteries. Known as the peasants war Many people accused Martin Luther for the peasants war By Martin refusing to join the conflict he kept the Reformation from being a social revolution, no just religious freedom Charles V began a holy war against Protestantism by attacking the Lutheran Princes in Germany The Peace of Augsburg ended that very quickly (Charles V didn’t show up)
Religious Wars and Conflict: Germany (con.) The treaty enable the leader of the town or country to chose the religion (either Lutheran or Catholic) This rule paved way for more religious unrest to come
Bibliography Holt. "The Protestant Reformation and the Counter Reformation." Holt World History. Holt, n.d. Web. 3 Nov Huntington. "Italy, the Renaissance, and Religious Conflict." Huntington Theater Company. Huntington, n.d. Web. 3 Nov Liberty Magazine. "The Reformation and Wars of Religion." Liberty. Liberty Magazine, n.d. Web. 3 Nov