Integrated Marketing Solutions Leland Smithson Quintrex Data Systems Corp. “How Integrated Marketing Solutions such as Target Marketing, Suggestive Marketing, Campaign Marketing, Statement Marketing……….. Can Be of Tremendous Value to Your Company and Your Customer Service Representatives in the Marketing of Your Services.”
3 Agenda Integrated Marketing Solutions Integrated Marketing Solutions Customer Relationship Management Customer Self Care Target Mktg Statement Msg/Insert/Backer Subscriber Inquiry Marketing Service Order Marketing Trouble Report Marketing Churn/Reason Code Analysis Marketing Follow-up Inquiry Marketing Comments Target Marketing Creating Bundles Campaign Marketing Suggestive Marketing Target Marketing EBPP “Gold Mine”
4 Agenda Integrated Marketing Solutions Integrated Marketing Solutions Customer Relationship Management Customer Self Care Target Mktg Statement Msg/Insert/Backer Subscriber Inquiry Marketing Service Order Marketing Trouble Report Marketing Churn/Reason Code Analysis Marketing Follow-up Inquiry Marketing Comments Target Marketing Creating Bundles Campaign Marketing Suggestive Marketing Target Marketing EBPP “Gold Mine”
5 To Be Competitive and Successful in the past, two requirements were needed: “Great Products” & “Great Service” Today a third requirement is needed: “Great Marketing” Industry Trends
6 “It is important that we take advantage of every customer contact?” Customer Contacts
7 How many customer contacts do you have each day? How often does the CSR or I & R technician try to inform or up sell? It is important that you try to inform or up sell? Customer Contacts
8 Assume: 5 CSRs – each take 20 calls/day customer contacts/day 2,000 customer contacts/month 24,000 customer contacts/year Assume: 5 I&R Technicians – each handling 6 installation & repair orders/day customer contacts/day 600 customer contacts/month 7,200 customer contacts/year 31,200 Customer Contacts/year Plus statements every month Customer Contacts
9 Keeping the customer informed or up selling can be an impossible job without the right tools... They need the right products, training and immediate access to customer information. Customer Contacts
10 “The Key to Successful Integrated Marketing Solutions” is “Integrated Target Marketing” …not a separate marketing data base… Success
11 …ITM provides your CSR’s with the ability to instantly analyzing your customer’s products, services, service location and demographics through a set of predefined filters, “what if” statements, that will allow your CSR’s to inform or up sell the customer regarding your service offerings Value? What is Integrated Target Marketing?
12 Filters are sets of “what if” statements designed to establish the different sceneries your customers would have. Target Marketing Filters
13 “High Speed Internet” - filter If subscriber is residential If subscriber has dial up If subscriber does not have hs internet If service location is high speed internet equippedThen……. Target Marketing Filter
14 “Premium Bundle” – bundle filter If subscriber is residential If subscriber has high speed internet If subscriber has cable TV If subscriber does not have VoIP Then… Target Marketing Filter
15 HS Internet ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Voice Mail ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer CABLE TV ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Bundle ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Target Marketing Filters Statement Message Statement Insert Statement Message Statement Message Statement Message Statement Insert Statement Insert Statement Insert
16 Business or Resident Services customers have (in and out of bundles) Services customers do not have (in and out of bundles) Service location – equipped Demographic fields Average toll per month CPNI Possible “What If” Search Parameters
17 Bundles Internet High Speed Internet VoIP Cable TV VOD IPTV Long distance Voice mail Renewal of terminating contracts Possible Targets
18 Customer appreciation day Basic computer classes Internet classes Keep close to the customer. Keep the customer informed. Possible Targets
19 Suggestive Marketing utilizes ITM and provides you with the capability to instantly analyze any customers account, at strategic points, and be able to suggest to the customer multiple ways in which to up sell or inform the customer. Suggestive Marketing
20 Examples of keeping customer informed and up selling: Has dial-up, but does not have HS Internet… document Mr/Mrs___I see you have dial-up, how is that service working for you? Does not access account over internet… document Mr/Mrs___ I see that you have internet service did you know that you can access your account at any time and view your statement over the internet? Does not have caller ID… document Mr/Mrs___ How do you answer calls when you are watching your favorite TV program? …. Did you know that you can... The Power of Integrated Target Marketing
21 Examples of keeping customer informed and up selling: Has dial-up, but does not have HS Internet… document Mr/Mrs___I see you have dial-up, how is that service working for you? Are you able to send and receive pictures of your family? I don’t know if you new it but DSL is now available in your area and can be up to 50 times faster than your current speed. We do have a special promotion going on. You can receive free installation and 3 months of service at ½ price. Etc……. The Power of Integrated Target Marketing
22 HS Internet ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Voice Mail ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer CABLE TV ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Bundle ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Target Marketing Filters Statement Message Statement Insert Statement Message Statement Message Statement Message Statement Insert Statement Insert Statement Insert
23 Campaign Marketing utilizes ITM and provides you with the capability of instantly creating a data base of all customers that satisfy the criteria specified in one or more target marketing filters. Campaign Marketing
24 HS Internet ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Voice Mail ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer CABLE TV ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Bundle ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Target Marketing Filters Statement Message Statement Insert Statement Message Statement Message Statement Message Statement Insert Statement Insert Statement Insert
25 Accepted No Campaign Marketing – Using a Bundle Filter Analyze Bundle Database Results Create Bundle Database (Possible Campaign) Bundle Campaign Configuration and Database Ready Test Market Bundle Acceptance Change Bundle Parameters Customer Care/Billing System Subscriber Information Subscriber Equipment & Services Service Location – Equipped/NonEquipped Process of Creating a Bundle Yes Not Accepted
27 Complete list of all subscribers in the campaign Information in detail form Information in summary form Information in graphical form Drill down capability Total number of subscribers Total potential revenue Total number & % of subscribers sold Campaign Data Base
28 Total number and % of subscribers rejecting offer Total recurring revenue prior to service order Total recurring revenue after service order Total additional recurring revenue CSR that sold or created the service order Reason code why subscriber added service CSR that created the service order Total revenue by CSR Create a campaign from previously created campaign Adhoc reporting tool Campaign Data Base
29 Updating of Campaign Data Base When ever a service order is written the system needs to automatically update the active campaigns. “Measurement” Service Order Campaign ACampaign BCampaign C
31 Service Order Item Amount Reason Code Premium DSL $75.95 dm When entering any service order enter the reason code (require that CSR enter a reason code) Measuring Success Churn/Reason Code Analysis
32 On demand reporting By reason code By date range Any specific set or all item codes Installs or removals or both Highest activity Churn/Reason Code Analysis
33 Integrated Marketing Solutions Target Marketing Suggestive Marketing Campaign Marketing Statement Marketing Subscriber Inquiry Service Orders Trouble Reporting EBPP Statements Paper Statements Statement Messages Statement Inserts Statement Backer Banner Ads Messages Customer Database w/ Integrated CRM Links Churn Analysis Excel Service Orders LettersLabels
34 HS Internet ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Voice Mail ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer CABLE TV ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Bundle ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Suggestive Marketing EBPP (Internet Billing) Statement Backer Target Marketing Filters Statement Message Statement Insert Statement Message Statement Message Statement Message Statement Insert Statement Insert Statement Insert
35 Be able to enter a bundle by entering one item code Be able to discount or not discount the individual items within a bundle Be able to credit the individual revenue accounts within the bundle Be able to charge the individual discount accounts within the bundle Bundles
36 Be able to change the optional items within a bundle without removing the entire bundle and entering a new bundle Be able to summarize the bundle on the statement (federal excise tax) Be able to keep track of a contract date Be able to keep track of a penalty amount due to early termination Bundles
37 “A Customer Relationship Management system houses all the critical business information an organization needs to develop effective sales, marketing and customer service strategies.” rd Party CRM? Customer Relationship Management
38 Integrated Marketing Solutions Integrated Marketing Solutions Customer Relationship Management Customer Self Care Target Mktg Statement Msg/Insert/Backer Subscriber Inquiry Marketing Service Order Marketing Trouble Report Marketing Churn/Reason Code Analysis Marketing Follow-up Inquiry Marketing Comments Target Marketing Creating Bundles Campaign Marketing Suggestive Marketing Target Marketing EBPP “Gold Mine”
39 Integrated Marketing Solutions Integrated Marketing Solutions Customer Relationship Management Customer Self Care Target Mktg Statement Msg/Insert/Backer Subscriber Inquiry Marketing Service Order Marketing Trouble Report Marketing Churn/Reason Code Analysis Marketing Follow-up Inquiry Marketing Comments Target Marketing Creating Bundles Campaign Marketing Suggestive Marketing Target Marketing EBPP “Integrated Marketing Solutions are Extremely Powerful and Essential to Your Company’s Success in Competing and Marketing of Your Services.”
Integrated Marketing Solutions Leland Smithson Quintrex Data Systems Corp. 319/