City of Uppsala Sustainable development - The municipality perspective Michael Åhlman Environmental Strategist Municipality of Uppsala
City of Uppsala The Municipality perspective Challenges –Globally –Uppsala Trends Sustainability development – the municipality perspective Discussion 2
City of Uppsala Global challgenge: To live a healthy life within the planetary borders* Water Land- and mineral- usage Recirculation of nutrions Managing ”Environmental bills” from previous generations Air-quality Climate mitigation And adaption Use of manmade toxic chemicals and materials * Noice-pollution Energy supply Biodiversity Sustainable development of society 3
City of Uppsala 4
Some trends Circular economy Divestments Eco- and humansystem services in collaboration Transformative changes Crowd/Democratical empowerment Crisis awareness Planetary borders constraints Urbanization City and land 5
City of Uppsala Inhabitants Uppsala - Sweden 6
City of Uppsala Development in the regional setting* A good life for the regional inhabitants Coordinated local/regional development Improved prerequisites for a growing worklife and succesful companies More people in employment Broadend tax base Financing of wellfare production Social sustainability = the goal The economy = the tool Environment sets the frame for development * Translation from “RUS” presentation 2015, Tomas Stavbom 7
City of Uppsala Uppsala: CO 2 e Emissions & Targets Emissions ,5 tonne/cap %/cap Targets Greenhouse Gases, tonne CO 2 e, per capita 8
City of Uppsala 32 local players. One common objective.
City of Uppsala Some critical challenges for Uppsala Rapid growth, up to thousand inhabitants by 2050 Water Land use Sustainable and secure food supply Sustainable and secure energy supply Living and prosperus countryside in combination with strong urbanization Climate adaption 10
City of Uppsala Main actors Uppsala Public organizations: –The municipality of Uppsala –County Council Uppsala län –County Adminstration Board Private organizations: –Energy –Health care –Transports 11 Civil society Academy –Uppsala University –Swedish University of Agrocultural Sciences
City of Uppsala ecosmart ”We make it easier for you to live and work eco-concious. Together we create a sustainable future.” Mission statement – to inhabitants och local active organisations 12
City of Uppsala KEY PRIORITIES FOR COMING 5 YEARS Climate / Sustainable business development, private & public Level-up work on Sustainable travel & heavy transport Electrification of transport –Co-system for people and things Existing Buildings – half the energy Solar power on all roofs and other surfaces Smart grids – Energy plan 3.0 Embedded energy (emergy) and emissions (all), non-toxic and renewable materials in the construction process 15
City of Uppsala Environment & CC Program Longterm Goals –Climate neutral / positive Uppsala –Non-toxic Uppsala (Giftfritt Uppsala) Eight Targets 2023 – pushing development 1.Fossil Fuel Free Heating – 2020 (org.) / 2030 (city) 2.Solar Energy City – 30 MW 2020 / 100 MW Fossil Fuel Free Vehicles 2020 & Transport 2023 (org.) 4.Energy Efficiency indirect 25 % (relative measure) - direct < 0 % (absolute o total) 5.Toxic free Public Procurement & Nursery-schools 6.Organic food – 100 % 2023 (org.) 7.Program for Sustainable City Districts 8.Sustainable Driven Business Development 16
City of Uppsala Some "lessons learned" from Uppsala - sustainable development at the municipality level Broad collaboration between local actors is key Sustainability is a "borderless“ matter New-/transformational thinking is mandatory Multifunctional solutions are very much needed The are numerous goal conflicts There are strong forces to keep status quo and work with incremental changes in a dysfunctional structure The need for resource effectiveness is becoming more and more evident Minimizing pollution is not enough we need to recover/repair the ecological system and at the same time secure a long- term sustainable well-fare for current and future generations
City of Uppsala "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."* * Quote by Albert Einstein 18
City of Uppsala Thank you! Michael Åhlman One planet. Also tomorrow.