SCENARIO # 5 Social Studies Teacher – in and out of lab Schedules time in computer lab - no lab manager Project based on “virtual interviews” with experts located by students by searching Internet sites Teacher has students give out personal information / personal
Computers are great tools Kids use computers for: Homework s Chats Research Games BE CAUTIOUS! Video Editing Photo Albums Business Presentations …and much more Student Online
When you are online you must train yourself to distinguish between right and wrong. Make Good decisions Don’t give out personal information All of these can be great activities if you approach them the right way.
Risks of the Internet Inappropriate content Cyber Bullying Predators Internet Dependency Peer to Peer Spam
By the Number 27% Percentage of 7 to 17 year olds who would freely give out their home address
Other Websites try to collect information Be aware of answering any personal questions online. If it feels uncomfortable …don’t do it.
By the Number 11 Average Age : 1 st Exposure to Internet Pornography
What Teachers Can Do Understand – Acceptable Use Policy 311 Supervise Educate Know what to look for
Policy 311 You must use only the account provided by your school district.
Supervise students Never allow students computer access without being in the room. Set up computers so that you can see all computer screens. Make frequent trips around the room so you can see that the students are on task. Use the computer as a tool for education, not a toy to play on.
Educate Teach students what to do if they accidentally access an inappropriate site. Know how to report inappropriate sites. Students should understand that their computer use is logged and can be tracked.
SCENARIO # 6 Special Education Resource Teacher - gives students with Dysgraphia an alternative way to do homework. students submitted homework and assignments on time. Survey from other resource teachers indicated they would not use this “new” method
What is dysgraphia?
It is a specific developmental disability that affects a person's ability to write. Problems may include fine-motor muscle control of the hands and/or processing difficulties
Students can achieve grade level expectations/outcomes with an Accommodated SEP supporting their use of a device.
Reduce the impact that writing has on learning or expressing knowledge -- without substantially changing the process or the product. Accommodate
Change the assignments or expectations to meet the student's individual needs for learning
Remediate Provide instruction and opportunity for improving handwriting
# 1 Teachers must have the opportunity to navigate through a program and learn how to use technology resources with their students.
#2 In service training regarding technology must be on going…
#3 Those who model the use of technology in their own teaching are the most effective trainers
#4 Ongoing training is essential!
A Shared Vision is needed – school, district, local community, and province share with teachers a commitment to using technology to support teaching and learning DIP and SIP
Match technology to curriculum needs FOCUS QUESTIONS - 1. What are our current unmet needs and can technology address them?
2. What are we teaching now that we can teach better with technology?
3. What can we teach with technology that we could not teach before but that should be taught?
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION The MacKay Report “It is about recognizing and celebrating the diversity of learners and providing an opportunity for them to be the best that they can be.” p. 5 Inclusion What is Inclusion anyway?
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