Curious how to turn “cold calling into “warm calling? Women’s Business Initiative International Thursday, 22 October 2015 from 19:45 till 20:15 – 30 minutes Presentation by Marie-Claire van Poelje on Acquisition
What is the reason that most salespeople and entrepreneurs hate cold-calling? In other words, just picking up the telephone and cold-calling someone to offer products or services. What is your experience with this, and how do you handle it? Name three reasons why even experienced salespeople have a hard time with cold-calling.
Fear; Am I speaking to the right person? Doubts about the information you have been given; Doubts about the product; Lack of structural approach/good script; It feels like you’re shooting blanks.
A SOLUTION FOR TURNING COLD-CALLING INTO WARM CALLING The following four steps are: 1.Description of the customers you’re looking for 1.Approach to target group 1.Arranging a meeting 1.Calling
1. Ask yourself what your customer wants. What are his or her needs? Make a list of potential customers. This list should include industries, regions and the right contact person (decision-maker). Conduct desk research on these prospects. Pick up the telephone! 2. Approaching your target group There are two options for approaching your target group: Arrange a meeting with your prospect; Pick up the phone and call with a reason. Make a choice by approaching your prospect to meet him or her, or by calling them. You can also decide to apply both of these options. Don’t forget the follow-up after these actions!
3. How do you arrange a meeting? Know where the members of your target group are or will be. Where can you find them? Use LinkedIn to find the right contact person; Post valuable content on Twitter to get followers; Join business or networking clubs; Go to networking events (such as Women’s Business Initiative International), trade fairs, seminars, etc. Be prepared with a good elevator pitch (an interesting story).
4. Pick up the phone and call with a reason. By this I mean: Ask satisfied customers if they will introduce you to one of their business associates; Find out if you know anyone who can introduce you to prospects; Learn more about the business and the customer. Offer them a solution to their problem; Send information first (e-book, white paper, or information that relates to your prospect’s problem); Comment on news items; Prepare your story/calling script for each prospect.
CONCLUSION – ACQUISITION Find customers that need your product or service; Have a good, structural plan of action ready with a solid calling script; Acquisition is action; Follow up and keep your promises.
DRIVEN SALES AND SUPPORT Driven Sales and Support offers companies in the business services market a professional, affordable way of getting in contact with new customers! For further information on acquisition guidance (consult) or to outsource your acquisition, ring me on +31 (0)
ARTICLES ON COLD CALLING WRITTEN BY MARIE-CLAIRE If you would like to receive articles in Dutch or English on the following topics, please let me know during the networking or leave your business card with your choose in this box. 7 tips for cold calling; How do you stay true yourself during cold calling? Cold Acquisition is a Process; The Quality of Appointments; For the first time….cold calling during the holiday/season period; Does cold calling give you cold feet? It doesn’t have to; Telephone acquisition: preparation is half the battle!
DUTCH VERSION AND CONTACT DETAILS. If you would like to receive the Dutch version, please contact me on : M (0) E. I.