A & P Muscular System Quiz #3 You must hard copy first, then click…only letter answers will receive a zero…Spell all correctly!
Question #1: The type of muscle found in the irises of the eyes and in the blood vessels is called _______________. A. visceral smooth muscle B. Skeletal muscle C. cardiac muscle D. Myocardial muscle E. none of them are correct
Question #2: Which muscle enables you to pucker your lips for a kiss? A. orbicularis oculi B. orbicularis kissoris C. orbicularis puckarupis D. zygomaticus lipus E. orbicularis oris
Question #3: The biceps femoris is one hamstring muscle located on the back of the thigh. Which muscles are on the other hamstrings? A. semifemurus and semimembranosus B. semitendinosus and gluteus medius C. semitendinosus and semibembranosus D. biceps brachii and triceps brachii E. none of them seem correct
Question #4: Which of the following does not belong with the others? A. multinucleated B. Striated C. skeletal D. involuntary E. none of them are right
Question #5: The major muscle lining the cheek is the: A. orbicularis oculi B. sartorius C. rectus abdominus D. epicranius occipitalis E. buccinator
Question #6: Structure # 4 is a geometric shape: A. gamma B.trapezius C. rhombus anterior D. omega brachii E. deltoid
Question #7: These muscles#6 line the outside of ribs: A. internal femorus B. pectoralis major C. internal obliques D. External obliques E. biceps femoris
Question #8: Structure #1 is the: A. trapezius B. platysma C. biceps femoris D. sternocleidomastoid E. brachialis
Question #9: This muscle #6 is ‘inferior’( cut away section) to a huge chest muscle: A. pectoralis major B. external intercostals C. masseters D. pectoralis minor E. none of them seem correct
Question #10:This athlete is flexing his fingers to grip the ball-this muscle is: A. extensor phylangus B. extensor digitalis C. flexor phylangus D. flexor digitalis E. gastrocnemius
Question #11: Structure #1 makes me hop to work: A. sartorius B. biceps brachii C. gluteus maximus D. gastrocnemius E. I don’t know
Question #12: these are huge and pull shoulder down…great for posing: A. trapezius B. biceps dorsi C. latissimus backus D. latissimus muscularis E. latissimus dorsi
Question #13: This #3 is our largest muscle A. gluteus minimus B. gluteus medialus C. gluteus rumpus D. rectus maximus E. gluteus maximus
Question #14: The quadriceps consists of the vastus lateralis and: A. biceps femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius B. gluteus maximus, vastis medialis, biceps femoris C. rectus femoris, vastis intermedius, vastus medialis D.Biceps femoris, rectus femoris, triceps femoris E. none can be right…don’t have a good feeling
Question #15: This muscle #2 goes down to the hand a long way: A, handus shortus B. Palmaris medialis C. palmaris longus D. palmaris notsosureus E. none of them
Question #16: Structure #1 ‘raises the shoulder’: A. increasis shoulderus B. levator femoris C. levator scapulae D. levator noclueus E. lecator gemini
Question #17 : This muscle #9 is above another and abducts the arm: A. infraspinatus B.myospinatus C. supraspinatus D. frontalspinatus E. I have no idea
Question #18: the blue shaded area is the muscle called(I said it was covered by elderly skin) 1. deltoid B. latissimus dorsi C. rectus abdominus D. platysma E. external intercostals
Question #19: This muscle functions in ‘mastication’: A. sternocleidomastoid B. triceps brachii C. mandibularis D. masseter E. occipitalis
Question #20: Muscles that aren’t used may degenerate, which is commonly called ‘atrophy’: A. true B. false