Which of the diagrams best shows the relationships between the number of cells, tissues, and organs? Seconds Left:
Cells are the basic building blocks of all life. Choice C is the correct answer because cells, found in the greatest number, compose tissues, and tissues combine to form organs.
What is the relationship between the circulatory & digestive systems? Seconds Left:
The digestive system provides the body with nutrients. The circulatory systems moves the nutrients around the body.
What is the function of the respiratory system? Seconds Left:
To bring oxygen into the body and take carbon dioxide out of the body.
List the pathway of oxygen in the body. Begin with the nose Seconds Left:
Nose nasal cavity trachea bronchi bronchioles alveoli blood cells heart body cells
Name a body function controlled by involuntary muscles Seconds Left:
1.Blood pumping through vessels 2.Food moving through digestive system 3.Breathing
Compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissue Seconds Left:
Skeletal & cardiac both have striations (look striped) Smooth muscle does not have striations. Smooth and cardiac muscle are both involuntary, Skeletal muscle is voluntary,
Describe how shivering helps you maintain homeostasis (stable body temperature) on a cold day Seconds Left:
Increased contraction of muscles is the body’s response to cold. As the muscles contract, heat energy is released and maintains body temperature.
Describe how a muscle attaches to a bone Seconds Left:
Thick bands of tissue called tendons attach muscles to bones.
List the functions of the skeletal system Seconds Left:
The skeleton gives shape and support to your body. Bones protect your internal organs. For example, ribs surround the heart and lungs, and the skull encloses the brain. Major muscles are attached to bone and help them move. Blood cells are formed in the center of many bones in soft tissue called red marrow. Major quantities of calcium and phosphorous compounds are stored in the skeleton for later use. Calcium and phosphorus make bones hard
Describe cartilage Seconds Left:
A smooth, thick, flexible layer of tissue
Name and give an example of a movable and immovable joint Seconds Left:
Movable joint – base of skull, shoulder, hip Immovable Joint – skull pelvis
Describe ligaments Seconds Left:
Tough bands of tissue that hold bones in place
What is the function of muscles? Seconds Left:
Name a body function controlled by involuntary muscles Seconds Left:
1.Blood pumping through vessels 2.Food moving through digestive system 3.Breathing
Compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissue Seconds Left:
Skeletal & cardiac both have striations (look striped) Smooth muscle does not have striations. Smooth and cardiac muscle are both involuntary, Skeletal muscle is voluntary,
What major activity takes place in the cerebrum? Seconds Left:
Why are reflexes important? Seconds Left:
They allow quick reactions to dangerous situations without having to think about what to do.
Draw and label the parts of a neuron Seconds Left:
Compare the central and peripheral nervous systems Seconds Left:
The central NS is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral NS is made up of the cranial and spinal nerves.
List the major functions of skin Seconds Left:
Protects Regulates body temperature Excretes wastes Serves as sensory organ Forms vitamin D