Monday, August 3 rd Today, I will “Save Fred” (use team work and science process skills to complete an inquiry lab). I will use team work and science process skills to complete an inquiry lab. I will show my work by completing the lab sheet. Warm Up: Find your seat and be seated. Homework: Supplies by Thursday
Tuesday, August 4th Today, I will be learning about the rules and expectations of CCSD, LMMS, and science class. I will read the agenda handbook. I will accurately answer the handbook questions. Warm Up: Find your seat and be seated. Homework: Supplies by Thursday, signed syllabus by Thursday.
Wednesday, August 5 th Today, I will be learning about science process skills. I will measure objects and liquids. I will read about and discuss lab safety. I will accurately measure and accurately answer handout questions. Warm Up: Roll call and stations set up. Homework: Supplies by Thursday, signed syllabus by Thursday, signed lab safety contract and minion paragraph by Friday.
Thursday, August 6 th Today, I will be learning about science process skills. I will measure objects and liquids. I will read about and discuss lab safety. I will accurately measure and accurately answer handout questions. Warm Up: 15 minutes to complete stations. Homework: lab safety contract and minion paragraph by Friday.
Friday, August 7 th Today, I will be learning about my personality and learning style as well as my current knowledge of ecology. I will take the ecology pre-test on Edmodo as well as the online personality and learning styles. I will write and label all of test results on an index card. Warm Up: Find your computer lab seat, be seated, log in with “happy” password and reset password. * Remind Mrs. Sanford to talk about science notebook! Turn In: Signed Syllabus, Signed Lab Safety Contract, Index Card Homework: Have a great weekend!
Monday, August 10 th Today, I will learn how to use the scientific method. I will sort to the steps of the scientific method and use them to determine the dominant m&m candy color in individual servings. I will accurately complete the m&m handout. Warm Up: Be seated and roll call. * Remind Mrs. Sanford to talk about science notebook! Turn In: Signed Syllabus, Signed Lab Safety Contract, and Index Card Homework: missing work
Tuesday, August 11 th Today, I will identify the abiotic and biotic factors of Earth’s major biomes. I will observe and discuss the images in various biomes poster. I will accurately identify abiotic and biotic factors in the posters. Warm Up #1: What are the identifying factors in a natural region? * Remind Mrs. Sanford to talk about science notebook! Turn In: m&m lab Homework: missing work
Wednesday, August 12 th Today, I will define ecotourism. I will take notes and discuss the video clip about ecotourism. I will begin the project set up. Warm Up #2: Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not? How would you change it? "In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught." (Baba Dioum, 1968, Senegal.) Turn In: m&m lab Homework: “Amazing Discovery” reinforcement due Friday
Thursday, August 13 th Today, I will define ecotourism. I will take notes and discuss the video clip about ecotourism. I will begin the project set up. Warm Up #3 – Next slide Turn In: m&m lab Homework: “Amazing Discovery” reinforcement due Friday
Is it Living? Divide your warm up slot into 3 sections (living, non-living, rule) and complete the following. Which of the objects listed are living? List them. tree, rock, fire, boy, wind, rabbit, cloud, feather, grass,seed, egg, bacteria, cell, molecule, Sun, mushroom, potato, leaf, butterfly, pupae, fossil, hibernating bear, mitochondria, river Explain your thinking. What is the “rule” or reasoning you used to decide if something should be considered living?
Friday, August 14th Today, I will define and illustrate ecology vocabulary. I will… …define and use ecology vocabulary. …create an illustration representing ecology. I will accurately use ecology words in sentences and accurately represent the organization of ecological systems in an illustration Warm Up #4 – Where in the classroom would you find an organism, a population, a habitat, a community, and ecosystem? What’s our biosphere? Turn In: “Amazing Discoveries” Homework: Have a great weekend! Ecotourism due Wed., Sept. 16 th
Monday, August 17 th Today, I will learn ecology vocabulary. I will create an illustration representing ecology. I will accurately represent the organization of ecological systems in an illustration. Warm Up #5 – How is your home like an ecosystem? Use the following words to describe it: organism, habitat, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere. Turn In: missing work Homework: finish organizational poster Due Date: poster with paragraph and rubric due Wed. 8/19/15
Tuesday, August 18 th Today, I will explore the world’s biomes. I will visit several websites to record examples and facts about the world’s biomes. I will accurately complete the biomes data chart. Warm Up #6 – On the next slide… Turn In: poster, if finished and any missing work Homework: finish organizational poster Due Date: poster with paragraph and rubric due Wed. 8/19/15
Sketch and Label the Image with the Correct Vocab Where does the word “habitat” belong?
Wednesday, August 19 th Today, I will explore the world’s biomes. I will visit several websites to record examples and facts about the world’s biomes. I will accurately complete the biomes data chart. Warm Up #7 – What is a decomposer and where do they fit into the food web? Homework: missing work Turn In: poster with paragraph and rubric
Thursday, August 20 th Today, I will explore the world’s biomes. I will visit several websites to record examples and facts about the world’s biomes. I will accurately complete the biomes data chart. Warm Up #8 – What is your biome of choice for the project? Who are your partners? Turn In: missing work Homework: biomes riddles due Monday Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Friday, August 21 st Today, I will learn more about climate in biomes. I will graph and analyze climate data. I will accurately complete the biomes climate lab. Warm Up #9 – What two factors make up climate? Turn In: missing work Homework: biomes riddles due Monday Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Monday, August 24 th Today, I will learn more about biomes and their climates. I will create and analyze climate data graphs. I will accurately identify 3 biomes based on climate data. Warm Up #10 – Did you check Synergy this weekend? What did you see? Turn In: warm ups, biomes riddles, and biomes climate graphing Homework: biomes quiz on Thursday Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Tuesday, August 25 th Today, I will learn more about ecotourism in state, national, and international parks and reserves. I will research ecotourism examples. I will complete the research organizer. Warm Up #1 – It gets warm enough in the tundra for mosquitos to be present during the summer. Based on the climate data graph is Biome A taiga or tundra? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: biomes quiz on Friday Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Wednesday, August 26 th Today, I will analyze current events. I will read an article. I will complete the current events handout for the article. No warm up – Mrs. Sanford absent due to illness. Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: biomes quiz on Friday Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Thursday, August 27 th Today, I will review biomes. I will identify biomes by characteristics. I will complete the review handout. Warm Up #2 – What biome has 4 seasons, rain throughout the year, and a variety of plants and animals including trees, grasses, shrubs, small and large mammals, birds, and reptiles. Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: biomes quiz on Friday Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Friday, August 28 th Today, I will show what I know and catch up what I can. I will take a quiz on ecology, check my grade in Synergy, use the extra time in the computer lab to catch up any missing or make up work, AND work on the ecotourism project. I will pass the ecology quiz. Warm Up #3 – What did you study for today’s quiz? How did you study for today’s quiz? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: Have a great weekend! Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Monday, August 31 st Today, I will learn about the owl’s place in the food web. I will dissect an owl pellet. I will collect data and analyze the types of materials found in an owl pellet. Warm Up #4 – What do owls eat? What is their place in the food chain, food web, & energy pyramid? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: missing/make up work Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Tuesday, September 1 st Today, I will learn about the owl’s place in the food web. I will dissect an owl pellet. I will collect data and analyze the types of materials found in an owl pellet. Warm Up #5 – What is happening on the next two slides? What does this mean for the food chain, food web, energy pyramid in the Everglades? Turn In: owl pellet lab Homework: finish owl pellet as needed
Wednesday, September 2 nd Today, I will learn about the owl’s place in the food web. I will dissect an owl pellet. I will collect data and analyze the types of materials found in an owl pellet. Warm Up #6 – What do I need to do to complete the owl pellet lab? Turn In: owl pellet lab Homework: finish owl pellet as needed
Thursday, September 3 rd Today, I will learn about the interdependence of organisms. I will read about relationships and symbiosis. I will complete the guided reading handout. No Warm Up – substitute today Turn In: do not turn work into a sub Homework: complete guided reading using online textbook
Friday, September 4 th Today, I will learn about ecotourism. I will create an ecotourism tour. I will use technology to continue designing and creating my ecotourism project. Warm Up #7 – Which direction do the arrows point in food web or food chain? Why? What is symbiosis? Turn In: owl pellet lab Homework: complete guided reading using online textbook
Friday, September 4 th Today, I will learn about ecotourism. I will create an ecotourism tour. I will use technology to continue designing and creating my ecotourism project. Warm Up #7 – Which direction do the arrows point in food web or food chain? Why? What is symbiosis? Turn In: owl pellet lab Homework: complete guided reading using online textbook
Wednesday, September 9 th Today, I will learn about interdependence. I will complete a visual organizer. I will accurately use interdependence terms. Warm Up #8 – Read the Nature Puzzler, “Strange Companions”. What’s going on in this scenario? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: project Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Friday, September 11 th Today, I will continue learning about ecotourism and biomes. I will continue working on the project. I will complete the project check point on the back of the rubric. Warm Up #9 – Which face below shows your progress on the project? Explain. Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: project Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Monday, September 14 th Today, I will continue learning about ecotourism and biomes. I will continue working on the project. I will complete the project. No Warm Up – Go straight to work on your project! Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: project Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Tuesday, September 15 th Today, I will continue learning about ecotourism and biomes. I will continue working on the project. I will complete the project. No Warm Up – Go straight to work on your project! Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: project Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Wednesday, September 16 th Today, I will present my Ecotourism project. I will be ready when called to present. I will share my project with my classmates and teacher. No Warm Up – Go straight to presentations. Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: project Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Thursday, September 17 th Today, I will present my Ecotourism project. I will be ready when called to present. I will share my project with my classmates and teacher. No Warm Up – Go straight to presentations. Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: project Due Date: Ecotourism project due Wed. 9/16/15
Friday, September 17 th Today, I will present my Ecotourism project. I will be ready when called to present. I will share my project with my classmates and teacher. No Warm Up – Go straight to presentations. Turn In: project Homework: Enjoy Fall Break!
Monday, September 28 th Kinesthetic Cycles Demo (Chapter 19, p.508) No warm up – new seating chart Sketch and describe each of the following… The Water Cycle The Carbon Cycle (aka The Energy Cycle) The Nitrogen Cycle Succession Choose 1 cycle to demonstrate for the class. How can you show a cycle using charades, a skit, a cheer (some kind of kinesthetic movement)? Can you show a cycle with music (song, rap)? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: be thinking about your demo
Tuesday, September 29 th Today, I will learn about ecology cycles. I will sketch and describe the cycles that are important to living things. I will create a demonstration of one ecology cycle. Warm Up #10 – NSTA Probe, “Giant Sequoyah Tree”“Giant Sequoyah Tree” Turn In: missing/make up work & warm ups Homework: Ecology post test Friday, October 9 th
Wednesday, September 30 th Today, I will learn about ecology cycles. I will sketch and describe the cycles that are important to living things. I will create a demonstration of one ecology cycle. Warm Up #1 – Which cycle is most important to living things? Explain. Turn In: missing/make up work & warm ups Homework: Ecology post test Friday, October 9 th
Thursday, October 1 st No warm up and/or no class work – CogAT testing Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: Ecology post test Friday, October 9 th
Friday, October 2 nd Today, I will review for the ecology post-test. I will complete the ecology study guide using all available resources. Warm Up #2 – What are the five main areas of study for ecology? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: Ecology post test Friday, October 9 th
Tuesday, October 13 th Today, I will pre-test on cells. I will complete the pre-test on cells using an iRespond remotes. Warm Up #3 – What are the characteristics of living things? If living things are made of cells, then what do cells need? What do cells do? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: missing/make up work
Wednesday, October 14 th Today, I will learn about the parts of the cell and how they work. I will complete a vocabulary chart for cells vocabulary. I will be able to talk about the cell parts that I need in my toy/game design Warm Up #4 – What cell part is “in charge” of the cell? What cell part is like the agenda for a cell – tells the cell how to function and what to do? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: Cells Project due Friday, November 20th
Thursday, October 15 th Today, I will learn about the parts of the cell and how they work. I will complete a vocabulary chart for cells vocabulary. I will be able to talk about the cell parts that I need in my toy/game design Warm Up #5 – What cell part is the storage area for the cell, the “closet”, the “suitcase”, the “garage”? Why is this organelle larger in the plant cell? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: Cells Project due Friday, November 20th
Friday, October 16 th Today, I will learn about the parts of the cell and how they work. I will continue designing my cell project activity. I will summarize my progress verbally at the end of class. Warm Up #6 – What is happening to the potato? What organelle allows this to take place? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: Cells Project due Friday, November 20th
Monday, October 19 th Today, I will learn about the parts of the cell and how they work. I will match organelle vocabulary terms with their definitions continue designing my cell project activity. I will accurately complete the cells parts matching. Warm Up #7 – Who is your audience for the project? Is your project appropriate for your audience’s interest and safety? What supplies do you need for your project? Have you discussed this with your parents/guardians? Turn In: missing/make up work Homework: Organelles test Friday, October 30th Cells Project due Friday, November 20th