Consistency with the 2012 Coastal Master Plan: Guidelines for Restoration Projects Receiving State Funding Bren Haase CPRA Board Meeting September 18,


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Presentation transcript:

Consistency with the 2012 Coastal Master Plan: Guidelines for Restoration Projects Receiving State Funding Bren Haase CPRA Board Meeting September 18, 2013 committed to our coast

Guidelines developed to help agencies and stakeholders with project development Clarification of 2012 MP relative to projects of various types Largely for CWPPRA but applicable to all projects receiving State funding Why do we need another document?

What information does the document contain? General descriptions of how the MP defines various restoration techniques Where certain restoration techniques are applicable Take-home message: please consult with us during project development

What if I have questions about the document? CWPPRA Task Force meeting – October 18, 2013 in New Orleans LCP meeting in October/November in Baton Rouge CWPPRA Technical Committee meeting – December 12, 2013 in Baton Rouge Contact us directly

Barrier Island/Headland Restoration Creation/restoration of dunes, beaches & back barrier marshes Utilizes dredged material and vegetative plantings Hard structures are not primary project features

Hydrologic Restoration Restoring natural hydrologic patterns Introduction of freshwater to reduce salinity Prevention of saltwater intrusion 15 projects identified in MP In some cases alternative approaches may be considered

Marsh Creation Dredging and placement of sediment for direct creation of marsh Over 150,000 ac identified in MP Large, contiguous areas for greatest impact MP focused on particular areas most resilient in analyses

Oyster Barrier Reefs Protect shorelines & provide habitat Optimal locations still being identified If conditions suitable, may replace traditional shoreline protection

Ridge Restoration Reestablish historic ridges Provide habitat diversity & storm protection Techniques still being developed

Bank Stabilization Placement of earthen material to stabilize bays, lakes, bayous, and navigation channels For navigation channels, can comprise no more than 25% of project cost

Shoreline Protection Utilization of rock or hard structures to stabilize bays, lakes, bayous, and navigation channels For navigation channels, can comprise no more than 25% of project cost