take a look Linda S. Puntney u caption s Who What Who What When Where Why How Why Where What How Why Where What Why How Who When Why Where When Storytelling Why When What Who How Who What Who Storytelling Who How What Storytelling What Who Storytelling How Storytelling Why When
writing tips caption s writin g tip s 3-5 sentences First sentence in present Second sentence in past Include quote, attribution, date Vary caption beginnings Lead in for starter
A Christian brother in the fall production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, senior Mairead Bartlett bawls during an emotional scene. To please the children in the audience, Bartlett knew she would have to let go of her inhibitions and be extra quirky on stage. “If you did this in real life, people would think you were crazy, but on stage, it looks hilarious,” Bartlett said. Photo courtesy of M. Bartlett First sentence/present tensee Direct quote Photo credit Second sentence/past tense
Using the drill press in nature of materials, sophomore Leon Kim works on his plasma cutter project. Leon made a face out of metal based on the logo of his favorite clothing brand, Neff. “The welds kept falling off and I had to think of a way to get the eyes on without making it look ugly. Welds can look pretty bad so I got the idea to weld from the back instead of onto the front of the piece,” Kim said. Photo by R. Dyment Photo credit Direct quote First sentence/present tensee Second sentence/past tense
At the varsity field hockey game against Langley on September 13, junior Tricia Cole checks a Langley player. Cole won the ball and led the team to score their second point. In the end, McLean took home a victory, winning 3-0. “Everyone came together in a big huddle after the game and we were all so excited about our victory. It is the best feeling when we win because it shows our hard work has paid off,” Cole said. Photo by Shari Dairon. Who — Tricia Coles What — 3-0 victory How — Cole checks a Langley player Wins the ball and scored the team’s second point When — Sept. 13 Where —Field Hockey game against Langley Quote —“Everyone came together in a big huddle after the game and we were all so excited about our victory.” The facts. Writing exercise
writing tips sports writin g tip s ID by name and jersey number First sentence tells action in photo Second sentence gives result of action Include quote, attribution, date Vary caption beginnings Lead in for starter ID opponent by name and jersey number
writing tips groups writin g tip s Identify by rows Bottom or Front/Top or Back Left to right is not necessary ID by rows, not alphabetically Use first and last name