Long-range Stress Re-distribution Resulting from Damage in Heterogeneous Media Y.L.Bai a, Z.K. Jia a, F.J.Ke a, b and M.F.Xia a, c a State Key Laboratory for Non-linear Mechanics (LNM), Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China b Department of Applied Physics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing , China c Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing , China ACES Meeting, May 5-10, 2002, Maui,Hawaii
Content 1. Introduction 2. A Heterogeneous Model of Stress Re-Distribution (SRD) 3. SRD Results of the Model 4. Summary
declustered earthquakes aftershocks complete catalog of earthquakes Knopoff [PNAS, 2000, 97: ] the magnitude distribution of declustered earthquakes in Southern California
Weatherley, Xia and Mora[AGU 2000] : The interaction exponent (p in 1/r p ) determines the effective range for strain re-distribution in the model. The effective range decreases rapidly as the exponent (p) increases. The event size-distribution illustrates three different populations of events (two-dimensional models): Characteristic large events ( p < 1.5) Power-law scaling events (1.5 < p 2.0 ) Overdamped, no large events ( p > 2.0)
G-R law : N (E 1/ ) -b b 1 characteristic b<=0.7 After Weatherley, Xia and Mora, (2000)
Klein et al [AGU 2000] : Linear elasticity yields long-range stress tensors for a variety of geological applications For a two-dimensional dislocation in a three-dimensional homogeneous elastic medium, the magnitude of the stress tensor goes as 1/r 3 While geophysicists do not know the actual stress tensors for real faults, they expect that long-range stress tensors, which are similar to the 1/r 3 interaction, apply to faults It is suspected that microcracks in a fault, as well as other “defects” such as water, screen the 1/r 3 interaction, leading to a proposed e - r /r 3 interaction,where 1, implying a slow decay to the long-range interaction over the fault’s extent
How stress re -distribution for heterogeneous media? P = ?
Content 1. Introduction 2. A Heterogeneous Model of Stress Re-Distribution (SRD) 3. SRD Results of the Model 4. Summary
Heterogeneous Elastic -Brittle Model The same elastic modulus (E) Mesoscopically heterogeneous brittle fracture strength c follows a distribution h( c )
q = 1.5 q = 2 q = 2.5
q = 1.5 q = 2 q = 2.5
Spherical(3-D) and cylindrical(2-D) configurations
the elastic-brittle constitutive relation - Model (3-D) --- D = 1 -
Elastic-brittle constitutive relation ( 2 - D) when Mixed-Model - Model
the balance equation leads to a non-linear ordinary differential equation of displacement u Governing Equation (Displacement u ) :
Content 1. Introduction 2. A Heterogeneous Model of Stress Re-Distribution (SRD) 3. SRD Results of the Model 4. Summary
3 - D 2 - D =1/4 q p p
-model mixed model elastic
-model mixed model q=1.2
-model mixed model elastic
-model mixed model elastic q=1.75
FE Simulation, vs r =0.25, q=1.5 loading steps 2 loading steps 6 loading steps 10
FE Simulation, D vs r =0.25, q=1.5 Damage field at successive loading steps 5-10
4. Summary In order to understand why a declustered or characteristic large earthquake may occur with a longer range stress re- distribution observed in CA simulations but aftershocks do not, we proposed a linear-elastic but heterogeneous- brittle model. The stress re-distribution in the heterogeneous-brittle medium implies a longer-range interaction. Therefore, it is supposed that the long-range stress re-distribution resulting from damage in heterogeneous media be a quite possible mechanism governing mainshocks.
More works are needed to justify the long-range SRD in heterogeneous media 1. Direct Simulations 2. Experimental Observations