Starting headlight test
A starting headlight test will quickly indicate the causes of trouble in a starting system. Turn the headlights ON and try to start the engine. Note any sounds and watch the brightness of the headlights.
No cranking with no headlights points to a dead battery or open in the electrical system. The battery connections may be bad. The fusible link may be blown. A main feed wire to the fuse box could also be broken or disconnected.
If the lights go out when cranking, the battery may be weak If the lights go out when cranking, the battery may be weak. The starting motor may be shorted. The engine could also be dragging from mechanical problems. Dimming headlights indicate heavy current draw or poor current supply from the battery.
If the lights stay bright without proper cranking, a high resistance or open in the starting circuit is likely. The problem could be in the ignition switch, wiring, solenoid, starter cable connections, or relay.
Depending upon what the headlights and starter do when testing, you can decide what further tests are needed.
The End This information is taken from your text book Modern Automotive Technology by James Duffy You must read it if you want to learn about cars there is a lot of info in this book. Mr. Salisbury