Australia Telescope Users Committee Technologies Report - Oct 2008
Staff changes Simon Mackay hired as a new technician in Front End Group. John Tuthill as an engineer in the Back End Group.
O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E WD DM Local oscillator distribution (Control building) Advanced Telecom Compute Architecture (ATCA) rack Conversion sampling Electrical to optical scheme Local oscillator distribution (antenna) Patch Panel 32 MHz distribution Conversion sampling Electrical to optical scheme Local oscillator distribution (antenna) WDM Conversion sampling Electrical to optical scheme Local oscillator distribution (antenna) WDM Conversion sampling Electrical to optical scheme Local oscillator distribution (antenna) WDM Conversion sampling Electrical to optical scheme Local oscillator distribution (antenna) WDM Conversion sampling Electrical to optical scheme Local oscillator distribution (antenna) WDM O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E WD DM O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board O/ERTM DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E DSP Board RTMO/E WD DM
CABB demonstrated a three element interferometer at 128MHz bandwidth in August 08. CABB has interim system hardware installed on five antennas, and has demonstrated 2GHz bandwidth 2048 channel autocorrelations on all data streams. Software developed for online amplitude, phase and delay calibration. CABB system testing continuing, also in parallel with normal array operations. Compact Array Broadband Backend – CABB (1)
Build complete for CABB DSP cards, testing continuing. RF and IF module build complete, LO and Reference Modules are 75% complete. CABB Digitisers are 65% complete. Delayed due to delivery problems with de-mux chips. Have now received all of the outstanding de-mux chips. CABB RTMs have been built and tested, with exception of 8 boards which need to be fitted with ROSAs The hardware required to implement the interim 5 antenna single frequency 2GHz bandwidth system is now available. Compact Array Broadband Backend – CABB (2)
20/13 and 6/3cm Upgrade (1) A project review showed a doubling of the initial cost to complete the full upgrade. This required the consideration of the project against other commitments of the ATNF. The project can be split into three steps: Step 1. Routing existing cm receiver signals into the CABB system. OMT fin retro-fit. Step 2. Broadbanding the 20/13cm receiver system Step 3. Broadbanding the 6/3cm receiver system.
ATNF is committed to Step 1 and it will cost ~$1m This comes at the cost of non-simultaneous observations at 20cm and 13 cm. An option exists to recombine the 20 and 13 cm signals in another module to achieve simultaneous observing and very preliminary estimates put the cost of this ~$300k. 20/13 and 6/3cm Upgrade (2) Step 1. Routing existing cm receiver signals into the CABB system.
Step 2. Broadbanding the 20/13cm receiver system Step 3. Broadbanding the 6/3cm receiver system. These other two steps will cost ~$1.4 million each in isolation and the whole project (Steps 1, 2 and 3) ~$3.2 million. Scientific input via the Project Scientist, NMcG, and endorsed by the Steering Committee, prioritises the 20/13 step over the 6/3 step. The Steering Committee – The ATSC recommends that the ATNF aims to complete at least stages I and II of the LSCX upgrade provided that can be done without significant impairment of the delivery of ASKAP. The ATNF will review resource availability with the aim of achieving Steps I and 2. 20/13 and 6/3cm Upgrade (3)
LSCX Upgrade (4) Parts for two OMT fins have recently been assembled and tested. They are now at Narrabri ready for retofitting. Others are fabricated as workshop time allows. The risk inherent in the development of a three stage 1- 3GHz amplifier has been lessened by the development of a two stage amplifier that gives good performance.
Parkes 13 mm receiver (1) - Installed
Parkes 13 mm receiver (2) - Preliminary measurement carried out using spectrum analyzer, single polarisation only (A), circular feed, yields Trec ~25K and Tsys ~60K. A broadband measurement (20 – 22GHz) of B polarisation carried out simultaneously gives a result for Tsys ~60K. Problems with the cold load, weather and time prevented any further measurements being carried out. John Reynolds’ first estimate of Tsys on Jupiter is ~280Jy, approx ≥4dB improvement over the existing receiver. Preliminary Performance
First Observation New detection of H 2 O Maser. Observation carried out by Jose-Francisco Gomez and P616 team. Parkes 13 mm receiver (3) - De-rippling Experiment Observations of a strong Ammonia source, G showing strong (1,1) and (2,2) transitions. The plot shows two observations taken one after the other, the first (upper panel) with no special 'de-rippling' measures, the lower taken in a mode where the receiver is moved cyclically up and down to 'smear out' the ripple. Experiment carried out and data provided by John Reynolds.
PDFB External contracts Five systems in total have been constructed for Jodrell, Effelsburg, Sardinia, Urumqi and Miyun. Engineers from Jodrell (1), Beijing (1) and Urumqi (2) were on site early October for training. Testing at Parkes from 11 th to 14 th October. Crated and ready for shipment this week.
Water Vapour Radiometers The existing units have been tested and shown to have satisfactory performance. The fabricating company (AstroWave) has submitted all mechanical designs and anticipates the delivery of all commercial components in November.
ATCA 7mm upgrade 7mm upgrade for Mopra Parkes 13 mm receiver PDFB3 PDFB external contracts CABB 20/13 and 6/3 cm upgrade ASKAP Water Vapour Radiometers CA Upgrade to 115 GHz Mopra Multibeam FPA for Parkes StudyFabrication or Operations projects ?? L/S C/X