UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist CONTROLLED SYNTHESIS OF NANOPARTICLES FOR INHALATION EXPOSURE STUDIES M. MIETTINEN 1, V. SUONMAA 1, U. TAPPER 2, U. BACKMAN 2, J. JOUTSENSAARI 1, A. AUVINEN 2 and J.K. JOKINIEMI 1,2 1 Fine Particle and Aerosol Technology Laboratory, Department of Environmental Science, University of Kuopio, P.O.Box 1627, FI Kuopio, Finland 2 Fine Particles, Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O. Box 1000, VTT, Espoo, Finland NOSA Aerosol Symposium Helsingør, Denmark,
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist BACKGROUND Nanohealth research consortium University of Kuopio University of Helsinki Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Objectives controlled production of engineered nanoparticles exposure assessment in occupational environments adverse effects of nanoparticles airway irritation and changes in the respiratory patterns inflammatory responses of the lungs and pulmonary cells genotoxicity
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP flow reactor Ti(C 3 H 7 O) 4 liquid precursor in bubbler N 2 carrier gas Ti(C 3 H 7 O) 4 → TiO 2 + 4C 3 H 6 + 2H 2 O dilution with dry and humified air size distributions: SMPS (3071A DMA+3022A CPC) gaseous byproducts: FTIR (GASMET TM ) mass concentration: filter samples (Teflon,Gelman) TEM, XRD, BET heat
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist Q d1 T2T2 TbTb CO QbQb PC N2N2 CO QrQr PC EXH SMPS fabric filter EXPOSURE CHAMBER EXH FTIR T MFC Q d2 12 slpm p TEM room air HEPA T b = bubbler temperature T 2 = reactor temperature Q b = N 2 flow through bubbler Qr = residence time N 2 flow Q d = prim. dilution air flow Q d2 = secondary dilution air flow = heated line PC = pressure controller CO = critical orifice EXH = exhaust
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist T 2 = 500 °C, Q r = 1.8 slpmT 2 = 800 °C, Q r = 0.5 slpm
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist T 2 = 800 °C, Q r = 0.5 slpm 3, H2O C3H6 CO CH4 O2 vol % ppm RH(%) T 2 = 500 °C, Q r = 1.8 slpm 3,) H2O C3H6 CO NOx O2 vol % ppm RH(%)
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist RESULTS: DILUTION RATIO
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE Highly controlled nanoparticle generator Adjustable and repeatable Inhalation exposure experiments have just started In future new materials: copper, cobalt
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the Academy of Finland (decision number ) in the FinNano research program
UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO Mirella Miettinen M.Sc., Research Scientist THANK YOU AND BON APPETIT!