By: T. Goodson
What is a map? A map is a picture representation of a part of the earth’s surface.
Who uses maps? Travelers Explorers Pilots Sailors Taxi drivers Delivery Drivers Soldiers Hunters Rescue workers Tour Guides Teachers Students
Parts of a map Title Key / Legend Symbols Scale Directions- Compass Rose
Map Title The map title tells what the map is about
Map symbols and key The map key shows the symbols represented on the map The map symbols represent real places on the map
Map directions Directions are shown on a map with a compass rose. The 4 main (Cardinal) directions on a map are North, South, East and West The 4 intermediate directions on a map are Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest
Map directions
What types of maps are there? Globes Physical Political Product Grid Inset
Globes Globes show the earth in it’s real shape A globe shows the landforms on the Earth in their actual shapes.
PhysicalMaps Show the land as it appears from above Show only natural features like lakes, rivers, mountains, valleys, and forests.
Physical Map Example
PoliticalMaps Show the shape of the land with boundries and borders. Shows both natural and man made features.
Political Map Example
Product Maps Uses map symbols to show products grown or produced in an area.
Product Map Example
Grid Map A grid map is a map that has been divided into equal squares A grid map has a vertical and horizontal axis that is labled with letters and or numbers To read a grid map read over and then up
Grid Map Example
Inset Map An inset map is a map that shows an enlargement of a part of another map Inset maps show specific places
Inset Map Example