Rachel Dunn PhD Candidate Northumbria University
Why is this important to me? Can we easily identify the risks and realities of each form of CLE? What did I come up with?
Least risk involved OR Least realistic Highest risk involved OR Most realistic Problem based learning Policy projectsStreet law Simulations Advice only clinics Externships Live client clinics
Problem-based learning Policy projects Street law Simulations – some include vocational courses Advice only clinics - can include, CAB, PSU and other legal advice providers. Externships Live client clinics
Why is PBL at the bottom? Policy projects – odd one out? Externships above advice only clinics Which is more realistic – externships or live client clinics?
PBL – no client no risk! Policy project – different kind of risk Street law – less risky than simulations? Should advice only clinics be placed above externships? Live client clinics – what are the risks? - To the client - To the student - To the tutor - To the institution