TOPIC: NETWORKING Making the Connections Objective: by the end of this lesson students will be able to 1. Change my questioning Stratigies with student to promote critical thinking. 2. Encourage competition among student. 3. Encourage for Practical Work. 4. To make diagrams 5. To Develop 21 st Century Skills 6. To Develop IT skills 7. To develop Collaborative environment with critical thinking To Develop 21 st Century Skills, To Develop IT skills
How can we develop 21 st century skills in students when we teach? By using 21 st century Approaches In our teaching, We can easily develop 21 st century skills among students & teachers in the School.
21 st Century Approaches 1.Observing & Monitoring Skills 2.Giving Direction Skills 3.Listening & Speaking 4,Questioning Skills 5.Encouraging Skills 6.Intervening Skills 21 st century Skills 1.Accountibility & Adaptability 2.Communication Skills 3.Creativity & Intellectual curiosity 4.Critical Thinking & System Thinking 5.Information & Media Literacy Skills 6.Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills 7.Self Direction 8.Problem Identification & Solution 9.Social Responsibility
BloomsModesIT resourceApproach21 st century Skills AnalysisCreate graph after Survey 1.Instructional handout Giving direction Skills Observation and monitoring skills Accountability and adaptability Critical thinking Creativity Analyzing Search out reason and write a report on LAN org/wiki/Local_are a_network aoCJC1ks Giving direction Skills Observation and monitoring skills Accountability and adaptability Information and Media literacy Skills CreativityPrepare pptInstructional handout Accountability and adaptability Critical Thinking CreativityPracticalHandoutGiving direction SkillsAccountability and adaptability EvaluatingQuestioning by Quiz QuizObservation and monitoring skills Information and Media literacy Skills
ChallengesSolutionsResourcesAcknowledge ment Time line Availability of computer lab Taken Permission from Madam for Lab Using LabTanks To PrancipalSat 8/ 10/11 Time 11:00am t0 11:40 am Internet availability Connection of Internet Provided Using books(Data Communication And Networking by Barouz e Farouzan) Thanks to our TrainerSat 8/ 10/11 Time 11:00am t0 11:40 am Software availability and light Get reqirered Software for implementing Networking Using Components Of Networking (NIC, Computer,Networki ng Device) Thanks For Staff Member Sat 8/ 10/11 Time 11:00am t0 11:40 am Motivation of students Performed Practically About Networking Using Essential Networking Book Thanks for Friends who Support me Sat 8/ 10/11 Time 11:00am t0 11:40 am Making questionnaire for quiz Make Question for students Established Networking in Lab Thanks for my Parents for great Support Sat 8/ 10/11 Time 11:00am t0 11:40 am
Assessment Beginning1 Developing2Accomplished3Exemplary4Score Do you show knowledge and understanding of how a LAN works? Diagram of mapping of LAN is incomplete. Diagram of mapping of LAN is complete but contains several errors. Diagram of mapping of LAN is complete with very few errors. Diagram of mapping of LAN is complete, neat, and easy to follow. Do you show knowledge and understanding of the products you endorse? Product comparison using Excel charts is incomplete.Less than 3 different vendors. Unable to support recommendation. Product comparison using Excel charts is complete but contains several errors.3 different vendors. Able to support recommendation. Product comparison using Excel charts is complete with very few errors.3 different vendors. Able to support recommendation. Product comparison using Excel charts is complete, neat, and easy to follow.3 different vendors. Able to support recommendation. Is your presentation persuasive? PowerPoint presentation is incomplete and does not address all four viewpoints.Presented sloppy. PowerPoint presentation is complete but does not address all four viewpoints.Presented unconvincingly. PowerPoint presentation is complete and addresses all four viewpoints.Presented unconvincingly. PowerPoint presentation is complete and addresses all four viewpoints very well.Presented professionally.
Congratulations! You made the connection!