December 2011 Updates: Our beautiful flower is growing quickly every day!
Hahgoot lost her first tooth! This important coming of age milestone was a big worry for Hahgoot but she took it well when the event did happen, as we prepared beforehand with a special box.
Unfortunately, Hahgoot lost the tooth while walking home in pouring rain late in the afternoon after an OT session, and thought she had a stone in her mouth (she was munching on a sandwich while walking in the deluge), so she spat it out on the sidewalk and didn’t bother to let me know... I found out at night when we came to the teeth brushing part of night procedure that she had a gap, and only then she realized what happened. I told her not to worry as tooth fairies are highly trained for such situations (they rescue lost teeth down sink drains every day...) but it is best if she wrote a letter and added a map so the fairy could find the tooth and leave her the gold coin.
Hahgoot was thrilled to find in the morning that the fairy has found the tooth and left a token! A short time afterwards, Hahgoot lost a second tooth! This time I had to convince her that I needed to pull it out, as it was starting to dig into her gums while the new tooth was pushing it out.
Hahgoot wrote to the fairy and the fairy answered her!
Hahgoot has now grown out of all her size 4 clothes and fits well into size 5. Here she is wearing a new dress, from her friend Charlotte W.
Left: doing a workbook about Hebrew Gimatry (the numerical value of Hebrew letters). Centre: doing a Hebrew comprehension workbook. Right: Hahgoot likes these type of psychometrical quizzes, she is very good with patterns.
At OT Hahgoot has been having a great time, and now can do much more sophisticated stuff, with more sensory integration. Hahgoot LOVED the “Helicopter” swing, as she could “fly” around the room!
Hahgoot has been going so well that she even had a combined session with her friend Benji, which went very well.
Carly needed two sessions and lots of tricks to get Hahgoot to stand on the unstable rumble pillow.
Hahgoot has been coping really well with swinging, spinning and motor control. In our next presentation: Farewell to Mortlake Public school