First Grade Curriculum Night October 15, 2014
Our Curriculum
Saxon Math Philosophy: math instruction builds on prior learning. New concepts are introduced in increments, with time given in between for remediation and practice. Math concepts are integrated throughout the year rather than taught as isolated units. 3 Types of Assessments: Oral (not graded), Written (test), & Fact Assessments (Quiz) “Math News” Newsletter summarizes concepts being taught in class. Although the lesson may seem easy at first, these skills are important in creating the foundational skills they will need later in the Saxon math curriculum. Students will be given opportunities for enrichment through small groups and centers.
Saxon Math There are 4 components to each math lesson…. 1.Morning Meeting (calendar activities) 2.New Concept being taught (group activity) 3.Guided practice/Fact Practice (Worksheets done whole-group) 4.Extension/remediation (small-group, math stations)
Saxon Math Grading All written assessments are graded according to a rubric provided by Saxon Math These rubrics tell what each problem is worth, and help teachers provide consistent grading practices among the grade level.
Saxon Math
“Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a comprehensive, program for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in literature, history and science. In the early grades, CKLA focuses on oral language development through carefully sequenced read- alouds as well as systematic instruction in reading and writing skills.” “CKLA is broken into two strands—a Skills strand and a Listening & Learning strand—so that children can master sounds and letters for fluent decoding and encoding during one part of the day and then have additional time to build the knowledge, language, and vocabulary that are essential for strong comprehension.” -Core Knowledge Foundation Core Knowledge Curriculum
Domain lessons are comprised of teacher read-alouds, class discussion, vocabulary work, and extension activities. The lessons are taught in 2 parts (A/B) at different times of the day. This allows for student s to extend their knowledge of the read alouds, read earlier in the day. There are 12 Domains per grade. Each domain last approximately days. The domains are carefully organized to build on each other within and across grade levels. Listening and Learning
First Grade Domains: Fables and Stories The Human Body Different Lands, Similar Stories Early World Civilizations Early American Civilizations Astronomy The History of the Earth Animals and Habitats Fairy Tales A New Nation: American Independence Frontier Explorers Listening and Learning
The Skills strand of CKLA teaches reading and writing in tandem. Children practice blending and segmenting using the sound spellings they have learned. Student Reading Books are 100% decodable—made of words and sound spellings, or "tricky words" that students have been taught. Handwriting, spelling, and the writing process are addressed in the Skills strand. CKLA focuses on sounds, rather than letters. Students will begin spelling tests in Unit 3 (approx. November) (spelling) Skills Strand
Shurley English is a rigorous curriculum that brings back student-teacher interaction, promotes higher-order thinking skills, and provides measurable academic achievement. Our most defining teaching model, the Question and Answer Flow, is highly successful because it utilizes the different learning styles of students, includes enough repetition for students to master grammar easily. -Shurley English Shurley Grammar Shurley in Action
Homework packets are given out each Monday, and due the following Monday. A weekly homework sheet lists the homework for the week. Late homework will be graded according to the “Homework Rubric” given to you at the beginning of the year. Reading Logs (Reading Bingo) is due at the end of each Month. If you are able, please help students get their homework organized over the weekend. This helps to speed up the collection process greatly! Homework collection takes place whole group. It is the responsibility of the student to get their homework out of their binder and turn it in when they are asked to do so. Homework
Compass Students are required to complete 2 activities (2 check marks) in either Language Arts or Math each week. This is recorded as a homework grade in either ELA or Math. The first grade team is recommending that students spend one night of practice each week on the area that is not being graded in lieu of doing another Saxon or skills worksheet for homework. Compass helps to differentiate their homework and meet all students’ academic needs. If at any time your child is struggling or becomes frustrated with homework, please let your teacher know. As teachers we rely on this open communication from parents so that we can make adjustments accordingly
Student Binders
Students binders is the communication tool we use to help keep students organized and parents informed. In this binder students have a planner which is used for our “daily edit” sentence, colors from the clip chart, behavior notes and in the future, their list of spelling words. In the front of the binder students have a clear plastic sleeve. This is for any notes or money that is sent to school. We remind students daily to check this pocket before putting their binder away. The front pocket of their binder is for homework only. Any other papers may be put in the back pocket. This helps students keep their homework organized and easily accessible.
Students also have a pencil pouch (or some kind of pocket) where they will keep their math fact rings and tricky word rings or cards. Please have your child use these at home, but remember to put them back, as we use them frequently in class. In the back of the binder, we have placed some resource pages, including the shurley jingles, that can help with homework and for tests.
Fall conferences will be held November 13 th -14 th Spring Conferences will be held March 20 th Teachers will send out a sign up genius for you to schedule your conference. However we are always available to discuss your child’s progress. Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions and concerns.
Field Trips
First Grade will go on 4 field trips this year… (one per quarter) 1. September 30 th : Millis Road Education Center 2.January 13 th : Sci-Works (& Planetarium program) 3.March 12 th : North Carolina Zoo 4.May 12 th : Betsy-Jeff Penn 4H Educational Center ** First grade students will also attend a “Music” field trip to see the Nutcracker on December 4, 2014 (chaperones will be limited for this field trip) Field Trips