Status of SSI Architecture Green Book Scott Burleigh, JPL Lena Braatz, Booz Allen Hamilton 2 November 2011
Charter Develop a CCSDS Green Book to serve as the “SSI Architecture Document” mandated by the “Operations Concept for a Solar System Internetwork (SSI)”. – Interoperability Plenary 1 (IOP-1) established the Interagency Operations Advisory Group (IOAG) in – IOAG chartered Space Internetworking Strategy Group (SISG) in – SISG submitted preliminary SSI Ops Concept to IOP-2 in – IOP-2 directed IOAG to complete the SSI Ops Concept and create an SSI Architecture document. – In 2010, IOAG submitted the final SSI Ops Concept and asked CCSDS to write the SSI Architecture document. Complete by fall 2012, in time for IOP-3. 11/2/20112
Guidelines Provide further definition of the elements and services identified in the SSI Ops Concept. Audience is top-level Agency management. Should give a clear picture of what is entailed in setting up a basic space network, and then how to interconnect multiple networks. Keep it brief. Additional engineering detail will be provided in the Cross-Support Services Architectural Definition Document. 11/2/20113
Development Process Iterative document development, cycling between Scott and Lena. First complete draft distributed to review team on 10 October 2011: 64 pages including Annexes. Periodic review telecons by Consensus Team: – Gian Paolo Calzolari, Wolfgang Hell, Chris Taylor (ESA) – Chad Edwards, Mike Kearney, Dave Israel (NASA) – Vassilios Tsaoussidis, EU Space Internetworking Center First telecon was 11 October /2/20114
Document Structure Overview – Transition from simple mission communications model to more complex topologies including cross-support. – Features of SSI: global support, local control, resource protection. – Using the SSI: earth orbiters, deep space, relay operations. – Provisioning: resources required for SSI operation. Stage 1 (basic automation): core functionality Stage 2 (cross-support): extended functionality Stage 3 (network automation): advanced functionality Annexes: definitions of terms and acronyms, formal definition of Ops Concept ideas 11/2/20115
Mission information flow Engineering information flow SSI automated data communications Alternative SSI automated data communications Co-located elements Administrative responsibility SSI node Crew and/or instrument Spacecraft Lander Earth/Planetary Station User/provider organization (e.g., Earth/Planetary Station Control Center, Spacecraft MOC, Science Operations Center, science data user, etc.) Legend for network Operation Diagrams
Authority A Authority B
Authority A Authority B Authority C