The Oxygen Caddie
Rex Lin – Chief Executive Officer Robin Chuang – Vice President Nathaniel Culham – Chief Financial Officer Richard Chan – Chief Operating Officer Jason Czerniej – Chief Technical Officer Introduction
Overview The size and need of the market Design description Marketing Future features and applications Conclusion Demonstration Question & comment
The size of the market Frost & Sullivan finds the U.S Oxygen therapy Devices Markets revenues in 2005 – $ million Estimated revenues in 2012 –$–$ million
The Need of the market Oxygen Therapy –Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) –Pulmonary fibrosis –Cystic fibrosis (CF) –emphysema –sarcoidosis
The solution Our proposed product is the solution
Design Overview Our product R&D team is split up into 3 departments. The mechanical, hardware, and the software department Oxygen Caddie ProgrammingMechanicalElectronic
Mechanical Design Able to support the weight Special design of sensor house Keeps our circuits safe
Design Overview Electrical Design Features 3 Major modules, 3 Major challenges overcome Controller Emitter/Sensor Actuator
Block diagram
Sensor Our sensors uses infrared sensors Advantages -Cheap -Available -Proven -Simple Other solutions -Ultrasound -Modules such as the Sharp GP2D02
Controller We are using the PIC16F876A microcontroller from Microchip Advantages -Meets our processing requirements -Cheap ($3.40 US) -Easy to use in a prototype Other solutions - FPGA, web camera, HC11
Actuator Consist of only one driving IC L298 Advantages -Simple controlling circuits -Cheap controlling circuits -Many distributors Other solutions -Stepper motor
Programming Design Programming Design Features The brain of our robot is a PIC16F876A –Interpret the sensor data and determine the position of the user –Check the distance from the user –Control the motor movements by output the correspond signal to the motor driver for a determined period
Design Overview
Marketing LocationPeople Surveyed People interested Ridge Meadows Hospital 2214 Arbutus Care Centre 3524 Wilson Centre 169
Product and Service Highly reliable automated device that holds an oxygen tank and follows the user Low cost compared to the other solutions available for it’s benefits The best solution out there because it eliminates the burden entirely of carrying an oxygen tank Can be modified to other markets
Market Analysis ~14 million Americans suffer from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and 6 million treat this disease Treatment includes oxygen therapy These people can benefit from our product Not many competitors
Strategy and Implementation Trial run at a host hospital to ensure reliability and to gain creditability among the health institutions Spread to more hospitals locally and expand locally and then nationally Expand to old folks homes and to individuals who can benefit from our product
Financial Plan A profit-loss statement Basically increase sales to increase profit Cost decreases with mass production Year 1Year 2Year 3 Number of Sales Price per sale$300 Total Sales$60,000$180,000$900,000 Cost per unit$250$200$150 Total Cost$50,000$120,000$450,000 Profit$10,000$60,000$450,000
Future features Various distance control Warning signal Tracking A recharging module Unique ID Less space occupied while not in use Power saving features
Future application Golf caddie +=
Future application Shopping cart for the future +=
Future application IV caddie Industrial Caddie
Projections 2006 –Working prototype I –Start prototype II –Patents –Start marketing on a small scale –Finding investors
Projections 2007 –Approvals for our are targeted markets met –Supply Chain set up –Full scale marketing Campaign –Finish prototype II –Release product 2008 –R&D starts second product for other fields (Golf or IV Caddie)
Question & comments