1 June 2, 2001CMPE 236 Wireless Web Architecture Solutions Mike Issaa Vicky Martinez Cisco SJSU MBA/MSE
2 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 AgendaAgenda Wireless Communication Trends WAP 1.x Architecture iMode Architecture WAP Next Gen 2.x Architecture Comparison Challenges Recommendations
3 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 What Wireless? What Spectrum? Frequencies For Exclusive Purchase – 2.4 GHz Industrial/Scientific/Medical(ISM)- not sold but reserved for free use – 2.5 GHz Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Services(MMDS) – 5.7 GHz (U-NII) - not sold but reserved for free use – 28 GHz Local Multipoint Distribution Services(LMDS) Frequencies Segregated into Bands – 200 MHz at 2.5 GHz (MMDS) – 100 MHz at 5.7 GHz (U-NII) – 1.3 GHz at 28 GHz (LMDS)
4 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 Wireless Frequency Bands Extremely Low Very Low MediumHighVery High Ultra High Super High InfraredVisible Light Ultra- violet X-Rays Audio AM Broadcast Short Wave RadioFM Broadcast Television Infrared wireless LAN Cellular (840MHz) NPCS (1.9GHz) MHz 26 MHz 5 GHz (IEEE ) HyperLAN HyperLAN2 2.4 – GHz 83.5 MHz (IEEE )
5 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 Wireless Technologies INTERNETCellular GPS Wireless LAN Fixed Wireless PDAs, Cell Phones DATA/Voice integration CORE Networks“Last Mile” Access 28GHz –LMDS vs. 5.7GHz U-NII 5 45 Mbps P2MP Mbps P2P LMDS “Wireless Anywhere” 15Kbps to 36Kbps ISP providers Central Office Cellular IEEE /b 2.4 GHz DSSS vs. FHSS Cellular Operator CO Core FCC certified Web Servers ISPs
6 June 2, 2001CMPE Wireless Access Protocol WAP 1.x
7 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 What Is WAP? An open, global standard that empowers mobile users with wireless devices to easily access and interact with information and services instantly. A standard created by wireless and Internet companies around the world to make accessing the Internet as easy and convenient as using a cellular phone. WAP is published by the WAP Forum, founded in 1997 by Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet WAP defines connection protocols, content formats, and framework for developing value added services for wireless terminals such as mobile phones.
8 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 Bearer Independent Protocol Allows Applications developed once to work across all networks -- today and tomorrow Protects the Carrier’s investment in wireless data as networks evolve Enables Mobile Device Manufacturers to use common code across product lines Bearer examples: GPRS, TDMA, CDMA, etc..
9 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 WAP Browsing Model Web Server WML content WMLScript WAP Gateway WAP Compliant Browser HTTP WML Binary DATAWML ASCII DATA Binary Transcoding at Gateway
10 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 WAP 1.x Architecture Web Server Content CGI Scripts etc. WML Decks with WML-Script Gateway Client WTP WTLS WDP Bearer WSP/WTP WSP WTP WTLS WDP Bearer WSP SSL TCP IP Link HTTP SSL TCP IP Link HTTP Wireless Datagram Protocol Wireless Transport Layer Security Protocol Wireless Transaction Protocol Wireless Session Protocol WAP Protocol Internet Protocol
11 June 2, 2001CMPE iMode Protocol
12 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 iMode Browser iMode is the service mark name for the DoCoMo mobile internet service Japan. iMode service was developed by the Japanese company NTT DoCoMo and launched in February Currently only deployed in Japan but have deals with other global GSM operators. Based on Compact HTML (C-HTML) and proprietary protocol stack.
13 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 iMode Success Japan marketed iMode as an experience not a technology –Targeted to consumers –Large, readable screens COLOR –Phone enables ( , melodies, animations, etc.) –Lots of content sites: 500+ official, 15K+ unofficial content provider sites. Business Model: –Gateways provide , notification, DoCoMo served content tracks usage –DoCoMo collects fees, takes part of it, and sells packets. They can barely keep up with demand.
14 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 What is iMode? Suite of applications that make up the total iMode Service including: –Browser – currently based on cHTML but changing to xHTML –iMode client – Proprietary HTTP Mail –Security Stack – based on SSL 3.0 –iMelody – downloadable ringer tone service using MIDI –iAnimation – Animated GIF support in grayscale and color –DoCoMo pictograms – downloadable graphics such as a Pokemon (future of Japanese economy)
15 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 iMode is Evolving Video clips being added. More sound support/voices. Kjava arrived in 1Q’01. SSL coming online. Emphasis is on what end users will find exciting and interesting.
16 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 iMode Architecture Web Server Content CGI Scripts etc. C-HTML with CHTML-Script Portal Client HTTP SSL W-TCP IP iMode CHTML HTTP SSL W-TCP IP CHTML HTTP SSL TCP IP CHTML HTTP SSL TCP IP CHTML HTTP Wireless Datagram Protocol Wireless Transport Layer Security Protocol Hypertext Transfer Protocol Compact Hypertext Markup Language iMode Protocol Internet Protocol
17 June 2, 2001CMPE Wireless Access Protocol Next Gen WAP NG 2.x
18 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 WAP Next Generation Next Generation WAP standard that will closely follow the wired internet model. Developed with input from DoCoMo Japan. Many similarities to wireline and iMode browsing model. TCP/IP,HTTP,TLS,HTML based content, XHTML tags.
19 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 WAP Next Generation Convergence with Internet. Specs ready in mid WTLS replaced by TLS TLS Profile document being finalized within WAP. Expected approval: June 2001 Architecture will allow Mobile Terminal to “tunnel” through the proxy using HTTP CONNECT method providing end-to-end transport security layer WAP NG will be backwards compatible with WAP 1.x
20 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 Proposed Architecture for WAP Next Gen 2.x Web Server Content CGI Scripts etc. WML Decks with WML-Script Gateway Client HTTP TLS/SSL W-TCP IP WSP/WTP XML HTTP TLS/SSL W-TCP IP XML HTTP TCP IP XML SSL TCP IP Link HTTP Wireless profiled TCP Security Socket Layer Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Extensible Markup Language Wireless Internet Protocol Internet Protocol SSL
21 June 2, 2001CMPE Comparison WAP vs. iMode
22 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 iMode vs. WAP Network Neither WAP nor iMode rely on one particular underlying network type. WAP in Europe has been deployed on a circuit- switched network. iMode in Japan has been deployed on a packet- switched network. WAP users will have to endure waiting during connection set-up and being charged for time spent on-line until their network operators upgrade to a packet-switched network. iMode users enjoys almost-instant downloads and the response times needed for online gaming with their "always-on" network.
23 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 iMode vs. WAP Markup Language WAP uses WML which is a new language. iMode uses cHTML which is simply an extended subset of the existing HTML Web standard. iMode can immediately make use of the skills of current WWW developers, but those interested in producing content for WAP browsers must learn WML from scratch. As the WWW community migrates away from HTML and towards XML in the next few years, iMode may find that it's short-term stop-gap approach loses out to WAP's longer-term measured approach.
24 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 iMode vs. WAP Deployed Applications WAP in Europe uses text and no images small screen. iMode in Japan uses text and color images and larger screen. WAP is Marketed for business application (banking, stock portfolio, business news, flight booking). iMode marketed for consumer applications (restaurant guide, fun images, ringing melodies).
25 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 Future of WAP and iMode WTP WTLS IP Network Bearer WSP WML WDPUDP WAP 1.x WTP WTLS IP Network Bearer WSP WML WDPUDP WTP WTLS IP Network Bearer WSP WML WDPUDP WAP 2.0 TLS W-TCP IP Network Bearer HTTP XML WTP WTLS IP Network Bearer WSP WML WDPUDP iMode on IMT-2000 SSL/TLS W-TCP IP Network Bearer IMT 2000 HTTP XML WTP WTLS IP Network Bearer WSP WML WDPUDP Current iMode SSL TL IP Network Bearer PDC-P HTTP CHTML Future Protocol Proposed Stack
26 June 2, 2001CMPE Challenges
27 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 WAP Challenges WML –WAP is incompatible with HTML. Display Screen –WAP is not graphics-based and lacks colors. Slow Data Transfer –WAP uses circuit switched network. End-to-End Security –WTLS does not provide end-to-end security. –Limited application layer security.
28 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 WAP Security Support Wireless connection must provide security features designed in the stack protocol and and supported by Client and Gateway. Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is based on and provides the same function in WAP that SSL or TLS provides on the internet. The WTLS and SSL/TLS protocols provide connection endpoint security that have three basic properties: –Privacy is created through the use of symmetric encryption after a handshake to define a secret key –Authentication of each peer is possible through asymmetric/public key encryption and digital certificates –Integrity of messages is ensured through the use of keyed MAC.
29 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 Certificate on WAP Gateway Server operator generates a new private/public key pair on gateway and generates a certificate request file for this public key. Server operator sends certificate request to certificate authority. Certificate authority validates content, creates, and sign the digital certificate. Certificate Authority sends signed certificate to server operator. Server operator installs Certificate.
30 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 iMode Challenges iMode's content seems to be heavily tied to Japanese culture and may not easily translate to other countries. CHTML is incompatible with full HTML. iMode does not support security layer because it is not required for consumer applications. iMode uses the PDC-P network which is not a world standard while other parts of the world like Asia and Europe have circuit switched networks in place.
31 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 What is being done for WAP and iMode End-To-End Security Gap in WAP –Application Layer Security WTLS based on SSL 3.0. WMLScript Crypto Library being developed. WAP Identity Module (WIM) specification. Custom applications on client devices. iMode –Same security concerns as WAP. –Security model is currently being revised by NTT DoCoMo. A resolution has not been made public.
32 June 2, 2001CMPE Recommendations
33 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 Wireless Server Decide on application to be supported, and business model of service (Business Class application or Consumer class application) Both WAP and iMode next generation will be able to provide both classes of services, as well as interoperability with each other. Until then, the current WAP seem to be suited for Business class applications, it also have the necessary architecture to provide consumer class applications as well. The WAP server will include both Java Servlet or as a standalone HTTP Web-Server, and have the following features: –On-demand gathering of HTML content from the Web –Content-based, semi-automatic Mediator –Mediates HTML to WML (WAP) –Automatically splits content into small blocks –Uses a simple but very flexible scripting language –Simple WAP-Stack for direct access via connectionless WSP (GSM SMS or IP/UDP) –WMLScript Crypto Library for end-to-end Security.
34 CMPE 236 June 2, 2001 References 1.Eurotechnology Japan K. K. The Unofficial independent imode FAQ Niskanen, Pekka. Inside WAP Programming Applications with WML and WML Script Addison-Wesley Publication. 3.ITworld.com. WAP - Wireless Application Protocol Telstra.com. WAP Security The WAP Forum. 6.Wireless in a Nutshell. What is i-Mode.