USDOT’s IntelliDrive Program Smart Roadside Initiative – How it Fits
USDOT’s IntelliDrive Program Enhance ……. – Mobility – Safety – Environment The strategies and support for developing and delivering the USDOT IntelliDrive Program are provided in RITA’s “ITS Strategic Research Plan: ”
USDOT’s IntelliDrive Program Functional Characteristics – Vehicle – to – Vehicle (V2V) Communication and Data Exchanges (“Here I Am Messages”) Vehicle – to – Infrastructure (V2I) Roadway Geometry Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT)
Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications IntelliDrive is geared toward enhanced roadway safety and mobility – Signal Phasing and Timing Roadway Geometry Truck Operations and Enforcement?
Smart Roadside Initiative V2I Research Plan and Roadmap include “Smart Roadside”; “Smart Roadside” is a partnership between FHWA and FMCSA bringing truck enforcement activities to the roadside; RITA’s “ITS Strategic Plan: ” included support for Smart Roadside.
Smart Roadside Vision Highway facilities and key nodes on the freight system (ports and terminals, international border crossings, toll plazas, weigh stations, and other check points) share data in order to: – Manage the flow of commercial vehicle traffic – Help prevent and respond to crashes and other incidents – Focus enforcement resources on high-risk carriers, vehicles, and drivers – Reduce unnecessary delay for commercial vehicles, and thereby improve associated energy consumption and emissions
Smart Roadside Initiative Inventory Tracking and Tracing Systems Inventory Tracking and Tracing Systems Virtual Weigh Stations And E-Screening Virtual Weigh Stations And E-Screening Container Tracking Systems Wireless Inspections Advanced Traveler Information Systems Advanced Traveler Information Systems Electronic Tolling Electronic Tolling Electronic Freight Management Electronic Freight Management Road Weather Information Systems Road Weather Information Systems USDOT Truck Parking Programs USDOT Truck Parking Programs Cross-Town Improvement Program Cross-Town Improvement Program Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Smart Roadside Border Crossing
Smart Roadside Initiative The Smart Roadside Initiative Integrates Several Data Exchange Transactions Bringing Traditional Weigh Station Operations to the Roadside. Lack of Comprehensive Deployment and Coordination Between Various Data Systems have Severely Undermined Full Realization of the Program’s Potential Benefits.
Smart Roadside Initiative Two “Outreach” Sessions conducted to this point – ATA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, 2009; CVSA Meeting in San Antonio, “Outreach” and Information Dissemination Spearheaded by the Trucking Industry Mobility and Technology Coalition (TIMTC); TIMTC is Lead by ATRI, CVSA and AASHTO SCOHT Staff [Mr. Leo Penne!]
Smart Roadside Initiative Where are we….. ? Smart Roadside Charter, laying out work tasks and schedules, has been signed by Modal Agencies; A Smart Roadside “White Paper” has been prepared; A “Statement of Work” is being finalized to get work task activities underway.
Smart Roadside Initiative Strategy – Use products and outputs in production under FHWA and FMCSA projects and programs: – Virtual Weigh Station Concept of Operations and Architecture; – Universal Truck Identification Research Findings and Concept of Operations – Wireless Roadway Inspections Concept of Operations and Findings from Pilot Tests; – USDOT Truck Parking Programs – FHWA’s 1305 Truck Parking Facilities Program; FMCSA’s SmartPark Program.
Smart Roadside Initiative Work Plan Activities – Inventory State Technology Deployments; Conduct Application Analysis and Assessments: – Determine “Fit” with Smart Roadside Objectives – Determine “Fit” with IntelliDrive Program Develop “Smart Roadside Concept of Operations”; Develop Applications Prototypes: – SRI System Requirements; – System Design and Architecture; – Develop and Test System Components
Smart Roadside Initiative Next Step…. “Field Operational Testing” Build a prototype Smart Roadside System and perform field operational tests evaluating system performance against requirements.
Smart Roadside Initiative Timing of these Activities – FY09/10: Complete Research, System Requirements, Design, Architecture and Prototype System; FY11/12: Conduct and Complete “Field Operational Testing”.
Smart Roadside Initiative Smart Roadside Contacts – Kate Hartman, RITA (202) 366 – 2742 Tom Kearney, FHWA (518) 431 – 4125 ext 218 Chris Flanigan, FMCSA (202) 385 – 2384