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WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED SO FAR? Finding Information: Library organization Checking out eBooks Using the Library Online Catalog Universal Search to find books, eBooks, & Online Sources Pioneer Data Bases Today’s focus: Using Information ethically and following copyright laws
WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? USING SOMEONE ELSE’S WORDS OR IDEAS AND PASSING THEM OFF AS YOUR OWN You must do your own work AND you must give credit when you use the work of others. Copying Stealing Cheating
TYPES OF PLAGIARISM Direct plagiarism: copying something word for word (more than 3 words copied is plagiarism) Self-plagiarism: re-using a paper that you wrote for another class
TYPES OF PLAGIARISM Accidental or unintentional plagiarism: not citing your sources properly Collusion: claiming credit for work someone else did for you
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU PLAGIARIZE? You are GUILTY of academic dishonesty. Consequences for plagiarizing may include: – Losing all points on an assignment – U on citizenship – Expulsion from school Your punishment will depend on the severity of the offense and your teacher
SO WHY DO PEOPLE PLAGIARIZE? They don't know what they're doing is wrong. They're tired. They're behind. They're stressed out. They’re dishonest. They want a good grade
TO AVOID PLAGIARISM Keep track of your sources Take good, organized notes when researching follow the 3 word rule Use quotations, summaries or paraphrases. Don't copy and paste! Don’t procrastinate.
SUMMING UP PLAGIARISM Plagiarism means copying, stealing, or cheating. If you plagiarize you are being academically dishonest and can be punished. To avoid plagiarizing, take notes on what you found and where you found it. You will need these notes later to cite the information correctly.
QUOTING, PARAPHRASING, & SUMMARIZING Quoting is using the author’s exact words Paraphrasing is restating the information in your own words Summarizing is picking out the main idea and restating it using fewer words
USING QUOTATIONS You must use quotation marks if you are taking something directly (word for word) from the information source. Quotation marks must be used You must list the author’s name in parenthesis after the quote to give them credit You must list the source in your work cited page
PARAPHRASING & SUMMARIZING When you paraphrase or summarize you restate information from a source into your own words. (Remember- more than 3 exact words copied is plagiarism) Let’s look at an example…
DID THIS STUDENT PLAGIARIZE? Text: Causes of immigration People leave their homeland and move to another country for various reasons. Some emigrate to avoid starvation. Some seek adventure. Others wish to escape unbearable family situations. Still others desire to be reunited with loved ones. Martin, Philip L. "Immigration." World Book Student. World Book, Web. 2 Nov Student Work: People move to another country for various reasons. Some of the reasons include to avoid starvation, seek adventure, escape unbearable family situations, or to reunite with loved ones.
DID THIS STUDENT PLAGIARIZE? Text: Causes of immigration People leave their homeland and move to another country for various reasons. Some emigrate to avoid starvation. Some seek adventure. Others wish to escape unbearable family situations. Still others desire to be reunited with loved ones. Martin, Philip L. "Immigration." World Book Student. World Book, Web. 2 Nov Student Work: People move to another country for various reasons. Some of the reasons include to avoid starvation, seek adventure, escape unbearable family situations, or to reunite with loved ones.
LET’S LOOK AT ANOTHER EXAMPLE… Text: Causes of immigration People leave their homeland and move to another country for various reasons. Some emigrate to avoid starvation. Some seek adventure. Others wish to escape unbearable family situations. Still others desire to be reunited with loved ones. Martin, Philip L. "Immigration." World Book Student. World Book, Web. 2 Nov Student Work: There are many reasons that would cause a person to move to a different country. Some might be trying to escape starvation, while others are looking for adventure. Family is another factor leading to immigration, either getting away from family problems, or joining with family in a new country.
DID THIS STUDENT PLAGIARIZE? Text: Causes of immigration People leave their homeland and move to another country for various reasons. Some emigrate to avoid starvation. Some seek adventure. Others wish to escape unbearable family situations. Still others desire to be reunited with loved ones. Martin, Philip L. "Immigration." World Book Student. World Book, Web. 2 Nov Student Work: There are many reasons that would cause a person to move to a different country. Some might be trying to escape starvation, while others are looking for adventure. Family is another factor leading to immigration, either getting away from family problems, or joining with family in a new country. **Notice that now the student did not use 3 consecutive words and the main ideas were restated using their own words.
SUMMING UP RESEARCH SKILLS Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are all important skills to use when writing research papers. Using other people’s information provides support and credibility to your research. Use quotation marks if you are copying word for word. Give credit in parenthesis. 3 words or more copied is plagiarism if not in quotes Use paraphrasing to put the thoughts of the author into your own words. Give credit in parenthesis if it is not your own idea. Use your own words Keep track of your sources so that you can include them in your work cited page
ACADEMIC PAPER FORMATS Academic research papers may be written in different formats depending on the type of paper being written. Commonly used styles are: MLA APA AMA
TWO TYPES OF CITATIONS: 1. In-text citations: used with quotations or when summarizing the author’s original idea (Authors last name, pg) 2. Work Cited Page: found at the end of the paper, lists all sources used
MLA FORMAT WORKS CITED PAGE Title is Work Cited ABC order by author’s last name Hanging indent Double spaced