Answer the following question with your partner and write your answer on one of your white boards: What is plagiarism?
Citations, Direct Quotes, Paraphrases…What does it all mean? If you don’t know now, you will If you don’t know now, you will
Direct Quotes Direct Quotes Direct quotes are parts of a sentence, an entire sentence, or several sentences that are copied directly from a text. This is a legal way to borrow information. Direct quotes are parts of a sentence, an entire sentence, or several sentences that are copied directly from a text. This is a legal way to borrow information. These sentences are copied exactly as they are written and put inside quotation marks. These sentences are copied exactly as they are written and put inside quotation marks. Quotation marks let the reader know the information was copied exactly as it was written. This means spelling, punctuation, etc., is exactly the same as the original. Quotation marks let the reader know the information was copied exactly as it was written. This means spelling, punctuation, etc., is exactly the same as the original.
What a direct quote looks like on paper. “ Despite its sharp teeth, Pegomastax africanus was an herbivore that scurried about in search of plants” (“Looking Sharp” 4). “ Despite its sharp teeth, Pegomastax africanus was an herbivore that scurried about in search of plants” (“Looking Sharp” 4).
Paraphrasing Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is also a way to legally borrow information. Paraphrasing is also a way to legally borrow information. However, no quotation marks are required. However, no quotation marks are required. The factual information is borrowed, but put into the writer’s own, very different wording and writing style. The factual information is borrowed, but put into the writer’s own, very different wording and writing style. Information that comes from four sentences or more should be paraphrased. It is too hard to paraphrase short passages accurately. Information that comes from four sentences or more should be paraphrased. It is too hard to paraphrase short passages accurately.
What a Paraphrase Looks Like on Paper. Recently, a new dinosaur has been found. It is called a Pegomastax africanus and was supposedly the size of a cat. It was an herbivore and was said to have very sharp teeth (“Looking Sharp” 4). Recently, a new dinosaur has been found. It is called a Pegomastax africanus and was supposedly the size of a cat. It was an herbivore and was said to have very sharp teeth (“Looking Sharp” 4).
Citations Citations In-text citations are put after a direct quote or paraphrase. In-text citations are put after a direct quote or paraphrase. The author’s last name and page number from where the information was borrowed are put inside of parentheses. The author’s last name and page number from where the information was borrowed are put inside of parentheses. If an author is not given, the title of the article is put inside the parentheses, along with the page number. If an author is not given, the title of the article is put inside the parentheses, along with the page number. CITATIONS must be used, otherwise you have plagiarized, which is illegal. CITATIONS must be used, otherwise you have plagiarized, which is illegal. Citations let the reader know that you have borrowed information. If you do not include a citation, you are saying the information is yours and that you did the primary research. This is STEALING and is ILLEGAL! Citations let the reader know that you have borrowed information. If you do not include a citation, you are saying the information is yours and that you did the primary research. This is STEALING and is ILLEGAL!
Works Cited Page Works Cited Page The works cited page contains a complete list of sources that you borrowed information from. If you cited information from a source and used it in your paper, the source MUST be listed on the works cited page!! If it is not, the source information cannot be used. The works cited page contains a complete list of sources that you borrowed information from. If you cited information from a source and used it in your paper, the source MUST be listed on the works cited page!! If it is not, the source information cannot be used.
Is this the correct way to paraphrase? Original text: Watch out for flying fruit! Last month, hundreds of people in the Netherlands pelted each other with 120,000 ripe tomatoes. The event was organized as a protest against Russia's ban on agricultural products imported from Europe (“Food Fight” 3). Paraphrased info: Look out for projectile fruit! Last month, many people in Holland hit each other with over 100,000 ready to eat tomatoes. This occurrence was set up to show disdain on Russia's ban of farmed products from Europe (“Food Fight” 3).
No! Replacing words with synonyms is not putting information into your own words. Original text: Watch out for flying fruit! Last month, hundreds of people in the Netherlands pelted each other with 120,000 ripe tomatoes. The event was organized as a protest against Russia's ban on agricultural products imported from Europe (“Food Fight” 3). An incorrect paraphrase!! Look out for projectile fruit! Last month, many people in Holland hit each other with over 100,000 ready to eat tomatoes. This occurrence was set up to show disdain on Russia's ban of farmed products from Europe (“Food Fight” 3).
Remember you must change sentence structure as well. Do not try to paraphrase a couple of sentences. Original text: Watch out for flying fruit! Last month, hundreds of people in the Netherlands pelted each other with 120,000 ripe tomatoes. The event was organized as a protest against Russia's ban on agricultural products imported from Europe (“Food Fight” 3). Correct paraphrase: However, paraphrasing did not shorten the info presented. In this case, you are better off writing a direct quote. To show their unhappiness about the Russia’s ban on agricultural goods, the people of Netherlands started a huge food fight with tomatoes as a way to protest how angry they were with this decision (“Food Fight” 3).
Time to practice!!!! Time to practice!!!! On your white boards, answer the following questions with a direct quote and correct citation: On your white boards, answer the following questions with a direct quote and correct citation: 1. How did the Black Death or bubonic plague probably spread? 1. How did the Black Death or bubonic plague probably spread? 2. Why did hurricanes with female names kill more people than hurricanes with male names? 2. Why did hurricanes with female names kill more people than hurricanes with male names?
Work together to come up with a paraphrase to answer the following question: Why did Russia shut down 12 of its McDonald’s restaurants? Why did Russia shut down 12 of its McDonald’s restaurants?
What is plagiarism? What are ways to avoid plagiarism? What are ways to avoid plagiarism?