Lecture 8 E-Communication and Advertising Dr. Lucy Ting
Agenda What are E-Marketing Tools? –Characteristics –Objectives E-Marketing Tools –Internet Online Advertising Search Engine Optimisation Viral Marketing –Interactive TV –Mobile
Agenda Advertising –Definition –Functions Advertising Management –Advertising Management Process –Advertising Message Strategies Rational Appeals Emotion Appeals Endorsers
E-Marketing Tools a.k.a. Digital Media e-Media Interactive Marketing Communications
Characteristics From Push to Pull –Rather than pushing the message from advisors to customers, prospects and customers is proactive in selection of the message through actively seeking out via e-media. Chaffey et al. (2006), ‘Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice’, Chapter 8, Harlow Essex: Pearson Education
Characteristics From monologue to dialogue –e-Media enables a interactive dialogue between company and customer Chaffey et al. (2006), ‘Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice’, Chapter 8, Harlow Essex: Pearson Education
Characteristics From one-to-many to one-to-some and one-to-one –e-Media can tailor and target through mass customisation and personalisation to a small segment of customers or one customer Chaffey et al. (2006), ‘Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice’, Chapter 8, Harlow Essex: Pearson Education
Characteristics From one-to-many to many-to-many –Customer can interact with other customers via e- media. Chaffey et al. (2006), ‘Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice’, Chapter 8, Harlow Essex: Pearson Education
Characteristics From lean-back to lean-forward –e-Media can have the undivided attention from the target audience Chaffey et al. (2006), ‘Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice’, Chapter 8, Harlow Essex: Pearson Education
Characteristics Changes in nature of marketing communications –Brand essence and key concepts become less important and it is detailed information and independent opinions that the user is looking for. Chaffey et al. (2006), ‘Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice’, Chapter 8, Harlow Essex: Pearson Education
Characteristics Increase in communications intermediaries –There is a vastly increased range of media owners or publisher, such as search engines and industry specific sites. Chaffey et al. (2006), ‘Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice’, Chapter 8, Harlow Essex: Pearson Education
Characteristics Integration –Traditional media and e-media can be combined and integrated to achieve synergy in communication effectiveness. Chaffey et al. (2006), ‘Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice’, Chapter 8, Harlow Essex: Pearson Education
Objectives Generating brand awareness Shaping brand image and brand attitudes Generating trial Creating loyalty Pelsmacker et al. (2007) & Reicheld and Schefter (2000), “E-Loyalty, Your Secret Weapon on the Web,” Harvard Business Review, 78(4), pp
E-Marketing Tools e.g. Internet TV Mobile
Internet Search Engine Optimisation –Internet is a pull medium and thus high visibility in some web agencies specialists in registering websites becomes crucial Pelsmacker et al. (2007)
Key Phrase Search
Natural Listings
Creating a search engine listing
Internet Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Search Marketing –Advertising on large search engines that is triggered by specific key phrase and search terms (contextual)
Paid Listing
Keywords Clicks/ Day Ave. CPC Cost / Day Ave Position 10% conversion Overall5714€5.9€33,3171.3€58.4 Insurance3800€5.4€20,3961.3€53.7 Car insurance 1700€6.6€11,1191.2€65.5 Cheap car insurance 210€8.4€1,7571.1€83.7 Women car insurance 4.1€10.5€431.0€105.4
Internet Interactive Advertising –Online advertising takes place when an advertiser pays to place advertising content on another web site.
On-line Advertising Formats Based on: Elkin, T. (2003), ‘Size matters; so does prize’, Advertising Age, January, 13; Dynamic Logic (2001), ‘Branding 101: an overview of branding and brand measurement for online marketers’,
Internet Viral Marketing –Also called “word-of- mouse” advertising; it is a set of techniques that is to advocate consumers among the target group to promote their favourite band to friends and relatives