Welcome to the Paris Trip Meeting Here to give you the information you need!
Accommodation & Food? We will be staying in the Best Western Ducs de Bourgogne. There is pair bedrooms and has a bathroom in each. The food will be mostly packed lunch for days out and we will have breakfast at the hotel. Mostly dinners will also be at the hotel but at the café and a fast food treat.
How we will get there? This is the best way of getting to our hotel as it is the quickest route and is nearest to the coast for a great view. We will go by coach so we do not have to hire. It will take around 5 hours to get there.
What to do? The plan at the top shows what we will be doing each day. The plan at the bottom is showing the evening activities which we will be going to. DayTimeDetails Monday AMAQUARIUM LA ROCHELLE PMLASCAUX II Tuesday AMMUSEE DE LOUVRE PMMUSSE D'ORSAY Wednesday AMNOTRE DAME PM PARIS CHOCOLATE AND PASTRY FOOD TOUR Thursday AMPARIS MINIATURE PM THEATRE ANTIQUE D' ORANGE Friday AM HELICOPTER TOUR TO VERSILLAS FROM PARIS PM PARIS CHOCOLATE AND PASTRY FOOD TOUR
The Costs1 Food Details Unit CostQtyCost Packed Lunch £ -9 Hotel Food £ -6 Restaurant £ £ - Café £ £ Fast Food £ TOTAL £ 1, Accomodation Unit CostQtyCost 4 star £ £ TOTAL £ 8, Travel DetailsUnit CostQtyCost Double decker coach £ £ 3, TOTAL £ 3, Summary STUDENT PAY TOTAL Food Costs £ £ 1, Accomodation Costs £ £ 8, Travel Costs £ £ 3, Daytime Activity Costs £ £ 18, Evening Activity Costs £ £ 7, Total Cost £ £ 39, This is the cost for different aspects of the trip. Activities Daytime DayTimeDetailsChild CostAdult CostTotal Cost Monday AM AQUARIUM LA ROCHELLE£701.50£150.00£ PMLASCAUX II£390.40£99.00£ Tuesday AMMUSEE DE LOUVRE£0.00£ PMMUSSE D'ORSAY£488.00£140.00£ Wednesday AMNOTRE DAME£0.00£85.00 PM PARIS CHOCOLATE AND PASTRY FOOD TOUR£2,904.21£726.30£3, Thursday AMPARIS MINIATURE£854.00£200.00£1, PM THEATRE ANTIQUE D' ORANGE£457.50£95.00£ Friday AM HELICOPTER TOUR TO VERSILLAS FROM PARIS£10,780.53£0.00£10, PM PARIS CHOCOLATE AND PASTRY FOOD TOUR£400.00£190.00£ TOTAL£18, Evening Day DetailsChild CostAdult CostTotal Cost Monday ARENES DE NIMES£549.00£115.00£ Tuesday ART DE TRIOMPHE£0.00£80.00 WednesdayCHAMPS ELYSEES£0.00 Thursday DISNEY LAND£3,028.04£522.40£3, Friday GIVERNY AND MONET£2,313.73£637.50£2, TOTAL£7,245.67
The Costs2 As you can see these are the total costs of everything!!! Summary STUDENT PAY TOTAL Food Costs £ £ 1, Accomodation Costs £ £ 8, Travel Costs £ £ 3, Daytime Activity Costs £ £ 18, Evening Activity Costs £ £ 7, Total Cost £ £ 39,751.11
BIBLIOGRAPHY my spreadsheet, bourgogne.com/?gclid=CMWcpef8wsMC FVDHtAodHR8ACw, myspreadsheetmy spreadsheetwww.googlemaps.com bourgogne.com/?gclid=CMWcpef8wsMC FVDHtAodHR8ACwmyspreadsheet
Thank you for watching and I hope you have all the information you need!