Introduction to The Crucible
The Salem Witch Trials The Crucible is based on real people and events which occurred in Salem, Massachusetts, in Twenty people were killed: nineteen were hung for convictions of witchcraft, while one man, Giles Corey, was pressed to death beneath the weight of stones for refusing to submit to trial.
Puritan (from to purify).. The play occurs during the seventeenth and eighteenth century Salem Witch trials and involves the Puritan beliefs and religion. Puritans came from Europe because they felt religion there was too decadent. A very religious people. They felt that people could form compacts with the devil. The devil would do actions for them in this life and then when they died he would have their souls.
Puritan Beliefs… 1.Predestination 2.The Bible is the literal word of God 3.Valued plainness in worship & lifestyle 4.Considered hard work a religion duty 5.Church was the center of the community Established a theocracy Punishable offences: adultery, fornication, drunkenness, theft, murder, breaches of the Sabbath, blasphemy, gambling, participating in theatrical performances. The “unknown” or “unfamiliar” was suspect
However, there is a deeper meaning to Arthur Miller’s tale…. Allegory: –A story in which people, things, and happenings have another meaning, as in fable or parable. Many critics have referred to The Crucible as a political allegory. Miller was writing during a time of fear….
McCarthyism Period in the 1950’s Named for Senator Joseph McCarthy, from the state of Wisconsin. On February 12, 1950, he delivered a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia which triggered a four year hunt down for alleged communist in government. Claimed he had a list of 250 names of communists who had infiltrated USA Created HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)
Cont’ (HUAC) investigated ‘ Communist’ involvement in the film industry, education, unions and the government. Witnesses were supposed to prove their loyalty by naming former Communists they had known. If they didn’t they could face a jail sentence and be ‘blacklisted’ so they couldn’t get a job. Evidence was not needed to name names…
Consequences…. The HUAC summoned 2,375 men and women, which was enough to cost them their jobs. 400 Americans went to jail – not having a fair trial – what lawyers would risk his career defending suspected communists? McCarthy bullied, threatened and abused witnesses while he accused them of Communist sympathies.
The tide eventually turns…. Soon, however, public opinion turned against McCarthy With the hearings televised, McCarthy came across as a vicious bully and a liar. (See Good Night and Good Luck!) By 1954, he was forced out of public life and died three years later, an alcoholic.
The Effects….. 9,500 civil servants were dismissed and 15,000 resigned; 600 teachers lost their jobs and many fine actors and scriptwriters were unable to work again. Charlie Chaplin, the biggest Hollywood movie star of the pre-war years (and also a Communist) left America in disgust.
Arthur Miller, the playwright (b. 1915, d. 2005) Common theme in his plays: portrays the tragedy of the common man who loses his integrity due to social and economic pressures. Was called to testify before HUAC and refused to name names. Convicted of contempt of court; appealed and won
“… I decided to write "The Crucible" not only as a document on historical events but as a warning to everybody that such a "witchhunt" – persecuting people for whatever - can happen again at any time at any place, because there is evil in everybody that can be activated or called to life by calculated political manipulation at any time anywhere in the world.” ~ Arthur Miller
Themes in the play Human cruelty in the name of righteousness The Individual and the Community Justice vs. Retribution and revenge Godliness vs. Worldliness Ignorance vs. Wisdom Order vs. Individual Freedom
Terms to know Crucible Theocracy Puritanism Dilemma Spectral Evidence Guilt by Association Mass Hysteria Persecution and Prosecution Witch Hunt