Ch15-1 Language Policy Based on Language Policy and Multiculturalism 語言政策的多元文化思考 授課老師:蘇以文 I-wen Su 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示- 非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 3.0 版授權釋出】 The “Work” under the Creative Commons Taiwan 3.0 License of “BY-NC-SA”.
Language policy mirrors the ideology behind. Before 1987 (Martial Law lifted) Mandarin Chinese promoted Languages other than MD prohibited in school. The MPC (MD Promotion Council) in MOE Broadcasting Law (1976) No more than 1/3 of the program schedules were to open for languages other than MD.
Consequence: MPC & Broadcasting Law Cheng (1990) Less than 10% of Taiwan population failed to comprehend MD Less and less young people were able to speak their mother tongue Cheng, R.L. (1990) Ianpian-tiong e Taioan Siahoe Gibun
History After 1987 Political slogan: For those who live in Taiwan but fail to speak Taiwanese, they “do not love Taiwan.” After 2000 Mother tongue (Southern Min, Hakka or any Formosan language) is taught in elementary schools
Some facts Population of Southern Min: 75-78% “Taiwanese” = Southern Min
Historical pressure Japanese occupation (51 yrs) KMT (50 yrs??) Both promoted their own languages in an authoritarian style
3 steps to Japanize Taiwan Taiwan language revival Intermediate stage Japanese only The same 3 steps were adopted by KMT
No clear lg policy “Explicit” (not written) lg policies: Promoting Southern Min Promoting GSS (General Spelling System) Policy based on an anti-KMT tradition and on nationalism
Indexes to show the ideology behind a lg policy Based on the development of democracy Based on the compilation of school textbooks
2 contradictory goals in Taiwan In appearance : globalization: give up protectionism and conservatism English (an international lang) should be integrated to the curriculum of education In reality : nativization: forcing all the minorities to give up their own languages and to learn Southern Min Teaching native lgs as a symbolic gesture
Defining “ Taiwanese ” Inclusive definition: including Hakka and Formosan languages Exclusive definition: Taiwanese as a synonym of Southern Min Opportunistic use by the politicians
Law of Language Equality The definition of Taiwanese is still open for different interpretations No explicit policy or law has been made Should such law be legislated? Is this a law that will eventually segregate the island?
Copyright Declaration WorkLicensingAuthor/Source p.3 Cheng, R.L. (1990) Ianpian-tiong e Taioan Siahoe Gibun [Essays on Taiwan’s Sociolinguistic Problems]. Taipei: Chu-lip and used subject to the fair use doctrine of the Taiwan Copyright Act Article 50 by NTU OCW