Remember that your story test score will contribute to the team scores
By: Alden Carter
Help and Encourage Others
Remember: Cause makes things happen Effects are the things that happen as a result of something else
Review your vocabulary words with your partner. If your partner does not know the words, help them!
Stretching Ourselves Emily is a girl that has Cerebral Palsy. Emily got CP when she was a baby because her brain didn’t receive enough oxygen. It is hard because her muscles get tight. It’s hard for her to walk Emily gets extra help at school in reading and math. Emily and Nic are schoolmates. Nic also has CP. Nic has an artificial voice that helps him express himself. He rides the handicap bus home. Nic goes bowling with his family. Saturdays, he goes swimming. Both Emily and NIc take medicine that might help them walk one day. Tanner has a milder form of CP. He has limited movement in his arm. He can run! Various setting. The park, school, the swimming pool. Emily, Nic, Tanner, and Greg These children live with CPThey get special tutoring and physical therapy to try to help with their condition. They also get medicine. AuthorNon-fiction
This week we’ve read about different students living with cerebral palsy. Today we will learn more about these children.
You have 20 minutes to finish
What strategies did you use to answer the questions? What words did you clarify?
What are some of the words you clarified?