2 U.S. EPA EMISSIONS MODELS LANDGEM TANKS WATER9 NONROAD MOVES (an on-road model): TEISS no longer includes on-road model, due to EPA’s switch over from MOBILE6 to MOVES
3 U.S. EPA L AND GEM (L ANDFILL ) Landfill Gas Emissions Model Estimates air pollutant emissions from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills
4 TANKS Program to estimate emissions from organic liquids in storage tanks Fuels Other organic, volatile chemicals Large storage tanks More than 1,000 gallons Bulk storage Floating roof tanks
5 TANKS Initial Screen
6 WATER9 Estimates emissions for wastewater collection, storage, treatment and disposal facilities Requires detailed information about how plant processes wastewater Built to estimate emissions of VOCs from industrial treatment plants
7 WATER9 For simple estimates for domestic wastewater use TEISS AP-42 Calculator – Ammonia, VOC, and HAPs emissions from publicly owned treatment works (POTW) AND Calculate methane emissions using method in AP – GHG emissions from wastewater (Page , not in TEISS)