AMMONIA EMISSION PREDICTIONS AND ABATEMENT – ISSUES FOR POLAND Tadeusz Kuczynski 1, Barbara Gworek 2, Andrzej Myczko 3 1-University of Zielona Gora, 2- Institute of Environmental Protection, Warsaw; 3- Institute of Building, Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Poznan
Ammonia emission level – production efficiency
DAIRY FARMS STRUCTURE IN POLAND (COMPARISON ) Total reduction of cows between 1994 and 2002 by ; with increase at farms (10+) by
DAIRY FARMS HOUSING SYSTEMS IN POLAND –liquid manure v. straw of total number of about dairy farms 36% of all dairy cows
DAIRY FARMS HOUSING SYSTEMS IN POLAND –tied v. loose systems of total number of about dairy farms 36% of all dairy cows
REGULATIONS AGAINST NH 3 EMISSION Minister of Environment Regulation of 23 December 2002 on Detailed requirements for programs preventing nitrogen losses from agricultural sources ( Journal of Laws from January15, 2003), based on Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources
REGULATIONS AGAINST NH 3 EMISSION 1.Capacity of manure storage – 6 months 2.Tanks should be provided with tight cover (floating cover can also be used) 3.Nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied in hot weather (late summer and early autumn. Application recommended twice a year: early spring and late autumn 4.Manure application is to be planned according to detailed nutrient balance 5.Application limit is set up at a level of 170 kg N/ha*year 6.Liquid manure should be incorporated into ground at a time of application 7.All organic and mineral fertilizers must be cultivated into ground not later than 24 hours after application
Ammonia emission reduction – Basic questions to answer How much ammonia is currently emmitted in Poland ? –Accurate animals numbers in each species and age –Accurate data on housing, manure storing and spreading systems, –Accurate data on production efficiency –Accurate data on animal feeding –Accurate data on effect of all above factors on NH 3 emission for each animal species and age –Accurate data on non agricultural NH 3 emission
Ammonia emission reduction – Basic questions to answer What are possible trends in animal production ? –Predicted changes in total number of animals –Structure of farming (large v. small, intensive v. extensive) –Regulations against NH 3 emission and practical possibilities of their introduction –Potential technical and economical availability of measures against NH 3 emission in housing, manure storing and spreading –Production efficiency –Feeding programmes
Ammonia emission reduction – Basic questions to answer What will be future policy on ammonia emission? –Further development of knowledge on critical loads of ammonia for various ecosystems, its habitats, soil and water conditions –Further development on data on ammonia effect on PM 2,.5 or tropospheric ozone formation –Further development of knowledge on transport distances of ammonia, particularly by wet deposition –Considering ammonia as local ot transboundary pollution and in consequence „trading of its emission” ?
Recent predictions for NH 3 emission in Poland