+ Assistive Technology By Lyndsay RHodes
+ Screen Reader A screen reader is a software application for people with severe visual impairments. A screen reader uses Text-to-Speech technology to translate information into speech. It can provide access to the entire Operating System including common applications. It can translate information into auditory speech or braille.
+ Closed Circuit Magnification This device allows people with visual impairments to read writing and material by magnifying it. It uses a mounted or hand held video camera to project the material on a monitor.
+ Braille Translation Device Provides access to information on a computer screen to students who are blind. Can convert digital files into braille After being translated the file is printed form a braille printer
+ Adaptive Keyboard There are a variety of different adaptive keyboards that can be useful to people with certain impairments or disabilities. Large print keyboards can be useful to people with visual impairments Alphabetical or color coded keyboards can make typing less confusing for students with learning disabilities
+ Alternate Communication Devices An ACC helps people that have a disability that affects their communication express their wants and needs These devices normally provide a key board and/or a set of pictures or symbols that are translated into speech For example, there may be a picture of a bathroom and when selected it says, “May I use the bathroom?”
+ Adaptive Student Desks For students that may have physical disabilities, a desk designed for their limitations may be extremely helpful There are different types of adaptive desks based on disability Examples: Desks for students with ADHD that allow them to sit and stand and swing their legs. It complies with their natural energy levels Wheel Chair Accessible Desk
+ Personal Amplification Device A small portable microphone that is connected to a receiver that is transmitted to earphones worn by a person with a hearing impairment. It can be used with a telephone, television, one-on-one communication, etc. It reduces interference of background noise ad send sound directly to the ear
+ Audio Visual Communication Device This is a device for students that may be hearing impaired. It provides an up close image of the teacher/speakers mouth This can make lip reading easier to help the students understand what the teacher is saying since they may not hear 100% of what the teacher is saying
+ Voice to Text Translation Students with physical impairments that cannot type on a computer may use Voice to Text Translation to do their work This technology uses voice recognition software to dictate what the computer should type.
+ Pros of these Assistive Devices Make activities for students with disabilities more accessible Students can be included in a general education class They are an innovative approach to educational technology Students can achieve academic standards
+ Cons of the Assistive Devices May make the student stand out in a General Ed classroom, which could lead to bullying Most devices are very expensive In order to use the technology, users have to be trained which takes time. Students may abuse the technology by using it when they don’t need it