* Need: Students have access to an overwhelming amount of information from a variety of print and online sources. How can students learn to quickly evaluate and assess resources to determine what is a quality and accurate source? * Definition: The ability to locate, organize, evaluate, manage and use information. * S.O.S. for Information Literacy:
* I-SAIL: Aligned with Common Core * Standard 1: Access information efficiently and effectively to inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge * Standard 2: Evaluate information critically and competently * Standard 3: Use information accurately, creatively, and ethically to share knowledge and to participate collaboratively and productively as a member of a democratic society * Standard 4: Appreciate literature and other creative expressions of thoughts and ideas and pursue knowledge related to personal interests and aesthetic growth * Standard 5: Understand and practice Internet safety when using any electronic media for educational, social, or recreational purposes. *
* Plan * Do * Review *
* Research petting zoo animals in preparation for a field trip * Sort the fiction and non-fiction print materials. * Plan which group members will research the print materials and which will research online. * Each member needs to find one fact about their animal to write on their poster. * Each member needs to create and write on the poster one question about their animal to ask the petting zoo guide. * The group will present their petting zoo animal fact poster to the class. * Websites:
* How can your grade level collaborate to implement the information literacy standards and the Super3 model? * Share one lesson that could include the Super3 model. * Use the Plan, Do, Review posters provided as a reminder.