10/01 Chalk Talk on Our Design Objective: IWBAT create a to-scale design of our bridge, within our group, and critique my classmates’ designs EQ: What modifications can be made to your bridge design, to improve it, according to your classmates? Dispatch: What is the most important thing to remember when designing your bridge? Classwork: Group bridge design and Share out Chalk Talk HW: Reflection 9L
10/03 PBL Tasks Delegation Begin Objective: IWBAT continue research on our project and divide up the tasks within my group EQ: How can your project topic/idea improve society? Dispatch: What is your PBL product/topic and what all needs to be done for you to complete the project? Classwork: PBL Tasks HW: Reflection 10L
10/06 Critique Peers’ Design Objective: IWBAT critique my classmates’ designs, and modify my bridge based upon the feedback EQ: Why is it important for engineers to reflect? It is important for engineers to reflect on their prototypes and mistakes, because… Dispatch: What is the engineering design process and how does it differ from the scientific `method? Classwork: Chalk Talk Begin Bridge Building HW: Reflection 11L
10/08 Beginning Building Objective: IWBAT begin building our bridge and make modifications when necessary EQ: How often do engineers redesign prototypes? Engineers redesign their prototypes often/seldomly. For example…. Dispatch: Did your classmates offer you any constructive advice that you will use to modify your design? Classwork: Begin Bridge Building HW: Reflection 12L
10/10 Addressing our Public Audience Objective: IWBAT write a rough draft addressing our public audience, on how our project idea can improve society or an existing prototype EQ: Why is it important to provide data/evidence when addressing your public audience? It is important to provide data/evidence, when addressing our public audience, because… Dispatch: What or who would your ideal public audience be for your project, why? Classwork: PBL Research PBL Public Audience Letter HW: Reflection 13L
10/13 Continuing Bridges…. Objective: IWBAT continue building our bridge and make modifications when necessary EQ: How well is your bridge design progressing, what modifications, if any, do you think are necessary? My bridge design is progressing… Dispatch: Explain to Coach Q what we are doing today. What are the bridges that you’re building? What have you learned about them? What are the rules? Classwork: Build Bridges HW: Reflection 14L
10/17 Planning Our Products Objective: IWBAT write a rough draft addressing our public audience and evaluate it based upon a rubric EQ: How do rubrics help students to meet expectations? Rubrics help students meet expectations, by… Dispatch: Finish your public audience letter rough draft! Classwork: Rough Draft Peer Edit Accurate design plan HW: Reflection 15L
10/22 Strength-To-Weight Ratio Objective: IWBAT continue bridge building and learn to calculate strength to weight ratio EQ: How does your bridge type and materials used, affect your strength-to-weight ratio? Bridge types and materials used, affect my strength-to- weight ratio by… Dispatch: What is a strength-to-weight ratio? Classwork: Strength-to-weight ratio calculations Bridges HW: Reflection (If not finished in class) 16L
10/27 Evaluating Bridge Efficiency Objective: IWBAT evaluate the efficiency of a bridge, by calculating its strength-to-weight ratio, when given weight of bridge and maximum load, and perform conversions when necessary. EQ: How do you evaluate the efficiency of a bridge? Does this make you question the design of your bridge? Why or why not? Dispatch: Just answer the dispatch, don’t write the question Mrs. Brooks is attempting to find the strength-to-weight ratio for her bridge. Her bridge weighs 309 g and can hold 78 lbs. Her calculations revealed that her bridge has a strength-to-weight ratio of.25 g. Her students insist that her calculations are incorrect. What is Mrs. Brooks doing wrong, and how does she calculate the S-T-W ratio correctly? Classwork: Bridge Efficiency Activity HW: Reflection (If not finished in class) 18L
11/03 Notebook Check Objective: IWBAT evaluate my classmate’s Notebook for accuracy and understanding EQ: What can you do to improve your grade for next quarter? Dispatch: Copy the Notebook Check set-up on a separate sheet of paper; prepare Notebook for notebook check Classwork: Notebook Check Intro to Mechanical Engineering HW: Reflection (If not finished in class) 20L
11/06 Mechanical Engineering Intro Objective: IWBAT increase my understanding of mechanical engineering and practice measuring angles EQ: What angle degree will produce the best trajectory? Dispatch: Why might mechanical engineers need to have an understanding of angles? Classwork: Intro to Mechanical Engineering Angle measuring practice PBL HW: Reflection (If not finished in class) 21L
11/12 Brainstorming Catapults Objective: IWBAT brainstorm ideas on how to make a successful catapult, and create a blueprint of a prototype EQ: Dispatch: How would you make a catapult? What materials would you use? Explain your design. Classwork: Catapult prototype #1 Introduction into catapult types Modified prototype (#2) HW: Reflection (If not finished in class) 22L
11/14 Brainstorming Catapults and PBL Objective: IWBAT brainstorm ideas on how to make a successful catapult, and create a blueprint of a prototype EQ: What type of catapult did your group agree on and why?? Dispatch: There are 5 elements to your PBL. Briefly describe them; Problem, Research, Solution, Final Product, Public Audience/Presentation Classwork: PBL Finish introduction into catapult types Modified group prototype (#2) HW: Reflection (If not finished in class) 23L
11/17 Brainstorming Catapults and Finalizing Prototypes Objective: IWBAT brainstorm ideas on how to make a successful catapult, and finalize a prototype with my group EQ: What changes did you make to your catapult, if any? Why? Dispatch: What are the forces that propel a Magonel, Trebuchet and Ballistic catapult? Classwork: Modified group prototype (#2) Prototype Whip-Around HW: Reflection (If not finished in class) 24L
11/19 Finalizing Catapult Prototypes and Beginning Construction Objective: IWBAT Finalize a prototype with my group and begin catapult construction EQ: What changes did you make to your catapult, if any? Why? Dispatch: What is a “to-scale” blueprint? Classwork: Modified group prototype (#2) Prototype Whip-Around HW: Reflection (If not finished in class) 6L
We’re going to the computer lab for PBL NOW!! Get all of your PBL materials and line- up outside!!!
Chalk Talk 1) Each group member will create a Final Draft bridge design on the back of their Rough Draft 2) Stack and pack! Stand up!! Silently, form groups of 4! Find a table and sit! 3) Each group will create a Group design on the Poster Paper with a description including what materials you will use and measurements (20 mins) 4) Each group will share their design ideas 5) We will do a gallery walk, commenting on each design, only using Post-Its, NO TALKING!
Catapults 1) Each group of 4 2) Stack and pack! Stand up!! Silently, form groups of 4! Find a table and sit! 3) Each group will create a Group design on the Poster Paper with a description including what materials you will use and measurements (20 mins) 4) Each group will share their design ideas 5) We will do a gallery walk, commenting on each design, only using Post-Its, NO TALKING!