Historical Determinants of the USA A comparison with the UK Lesson 2
Learning Objectives Today we will: 1.Discover the impact of the 19 th Century public schools on the organisation of sport in the UK 2.Understand the term ‘codification’ and attitudes towards sport in both countries 3.Consolidate knowledge of the late 19 th Century notion of amateurism and professionalism and the UK class system *Keep your eye out for mini plenaries (check and challenge points) to show off your progress, because you could be next!!!*
Exam Tip! To gain maximum marks you must state a fact relating to the USA then make a comparison of the fact with the UK By failing to COMPARE, maximum marks cannot be achieved Starter State a fact relating to sport in the USA and get your partner to make a comparison Was it a similarity or difference??
Example “The sociological history of the UK extends much further than that of the USA. For example, the development of the English nation began a thousand years ago. The post-colonial history of the USA, by contrast, is little more than 200 years old and it is therefore considered to be a young culture.”
Class system UK Upper class ad working class Clear distinction between the two based Lifestyle Income u/c were amateur and did not take training seriously Sport was used as a means of social control and spread values
Class system USA USA was a meritocracy, status based on hard work and merit- this supported the American Dream Wealthy Americans played golf and equestrian activities Wealthy Americans had private coaches and took sport very seriously Progressives believed that sport provided athletes with ability to take on challenges of the new world.
The British Empire No frontier this was because the UK was a small island and so did not have a frontier to expand into so set off to conquer new lands Aggressive overseas expansion Empire (inc. America and Australia) Where ‘the sun never set’ Power and prestige emanating from imperial ownership Empire influenced the development of sport across the empire (reflected traditions and class structure of UK society) Isolation policy of the USA = same process but domestically (termed ‘Americanised’’)
19 th Century public schools Public school boys advocated amateurism Muscular Christianity was expected from the upper class The idea of fair play and being a Christian gentleman was favoured
19 th Ivy league universities Took the lead role in developing organised sport Encourage the win ethic in all sports Support and enforced the policy of isolation Offered scholarships to the best players which then became the foundation of the agencies that promoted professional leagues
19 th Century public schools “The greatest developmental influence on UK sport” 1863 to 1888 Most sports and NGBs formed Contrast Sports in the USA were either adopted, adapted and invented Working class (baseball) or education/university (gridiron football, basketball or ice hockey) environment
Codification Public school ethos in a word cloud! th_Century_Public_School_Sport_
Amateurism v Professional “The Public School system instilled the notion of amateurism” Exam Tip: To achieve one mark, a point of comparison must be made. For example: wealthy American amateur sportsmen often employed private professional coaches; amateur sportsmen in the UK did not consider winning as important and so did not seek to be coached.
Organised sport UK USA Rugby strictly amateur Players banned if they went to a professional team FA reluctantly accepted professionalism which quickly developed through w/c professionals Baseball and boxing were initially rowdy game splayed by the w/c Horseracing encouraged betting
Ultimately amateur sport was championed by the wealthy who has the power, opportunity and time to play it But very quickly Professional leagues took over because of improved transport links an more leisure time for the working class in both the UK and the USA
Geographical Determinants of the USA A comparison with the UK Lesson 3
Learning Objectives Today we will: 1.Investigate the process of urbanisation in the USA and how that and the population of the UK affects sport 2.Assess the impact improved transport links have had on the growth of sport and PE 3.Establish how the sports opportunities in each country reflects their climate and topography *Keep your eye out for mini plenaries (check and challenge points) to show off your progress, because you could be next!!!*
Urbanisation in the USA Population = 300 million Density = 30 people per square mile ‘genuine wilderness’ Uninhabited remote areas, often with an inhospitable terrain and climate V ‘urban sprawls’ Serious congestion and air pollution problems
Population of the UK Population = 62 million Density = 200 per square mile (HIGH) Despite some sparse areas (National Parks) there are no areas of genuine wilderness (contrast) Therefore limited scope for outdoor activities As recommended by Luke Ulyatt
Exam Question Q. Describe the term frontierism in the USA and describe the term hierarchical society in the UK A. The frontier was the transitory boundary which marked the extent of western expansion into country that was often hostile. Frontierism refers to the spirit of toughness, ruggedness and independence in the face of adversity. As there is no frontier in the UK a clearly defined class system based on hereditary privilege existed. The legacy of this system exists today. Class determines income, lifestyle and, most significantly in this context, sporting opportunities
Transport in the USA Perceptions of travel: a short hop!! Advanced network of urban highways Inter-state air travel the ‘norm’ Well established rail links (intra & inter state) – a legacy of Western expansion during the ‘frontier’ years PE & sport has benefitted – give an e.g.?
Transport in the USA Extensive interstate and rail system Railways created during ‘frontier years’ enable professional sport to grow Air travel is essential
Transport in the UK Extensive motorway system Advent of railways from the 1850s Well developed air travel network Q. How have each of the above contributed to the growth of sport on our ‘island’? Hint!
Climate and Topography in the USA & UK
Task Government Policy comparison table USAUK Differences x5 Similarities x 5
Government Policy & Commercialisation of the USA A comparison with the UK Lesson 4
Starter Compare and contrast States worksheet (Texas and Maine) Similarities and differences – follow the instructions given (work in pairs)
Learning Objectives Today we will: 1.Investigate the socio-economic factors affecting sport in the USA and the UK 2.Compare and contrast government policy in the USA and the UK 3.Discover the link between the frontier spirit, the competitive ethic, the American Dream and capitalism
Homework Review USAUK NoneMonarchy Presidential advisorsNGBs No national curriculumNational curriculum Decentralised - Federal, state (autonomy), local Government President and senatorsPrime Minister and the coalition Funding for sport from sources other than government (national lottery, private investors etc. Democracies Democracy Decentralised sports administration centralised sports administration
Flow Chart