AGENDA I. Call to order II. Roll call III. Approval of minutes from 2015 Spring Council Meeting IV. RS Report a) Rallies b) Championships/Festival c) National Level Tests V. RIC Report VI. HMO Report VII. Treasurers Report VIII. Junior Board Report IX. Nomination of 2016 Slate of Officers X. New Business a) Fundraising b) 2016 Calendar c) Camp(s) d) Testing e) Committees f) Policy Revision g) Other business XI. Adjournment
APPROVAL OF MINUTES See Document Motion to forego reading of the minutes Any additions or Amendments? Motion to Accept
RS REPORT: 2015 RALLIES Quiz Rally: 14 Junior D Teams, 5 Senior D Teams, 2 Junior C and Up Teams, 2 Senior C and Up Teams Games Rally: 5 Teams, 22 Competitors TET Rally: 4 Teams, 16 Competitors Show Jump Rally: 6 Teams, 28 Competitors Dressage Rally: 7 Teams, 31 Competitors D Camp/ D Rally: 7 Teams, 36 Campers Eventing Rally: Cancelled
RS REPORT: CHAMPIONSHIPS We had one team compete in VA at Games Championships and one member scramble at Games Championships
RS REPORT: 2015 UPPER LEVEL TEST NCPR held 3 Tests: HB, HA and C3 and Up Test July 6/7 HA Test Paddock Hills, Union, IL: 5 Candidates and 1 Retest, 2 Cancelled, 3 attended and 1 Retest Aug 1-2 C3, B, Testing at Hunter Oaks in Carlock, IL: 4 C3 Candidates, 3 Attended; 1B Traditional, 1 B Show Jump Specialty October 10/11 HB Paddock Hills in Union, IL: 7 Candidates, 5 attended
RIC REPORT Scheduled 3 U/L preps that were fairly well attended. Allowed D3 ^ to attend if not enough C2^ signed up. This was taken advantage of. The NE’s used covered the specialties of members testing at the National Level this year. Un mounted discussions on the Friday evening of each prep, covering :- preparation for testing, conformation, barn design & lunging. Held a mini HA/HB prep in conjunction with the Regional Meeting. This was very well attended. Compiled a list of Instructors used throughout the region, and distributed to DC’s. Endeavored to link clubs for specialty certifications, with the aim of cutting costs at the club level. ( Needs some tweaking.) Sent a welcome package to new Examiners/ Instructors that are to be used for specialty tracks. Included Pony Club Pamphlets and the Standards for their particular specialty. I also invited them to attend our Standards and Certification Clinic when held. Attended all but one UL testing held in our Region. I have some concern that members are not completely aware of the level of knowledge required for these certifications. Need to address this. Solution? I feel it may be necessary to increase cost of preps, low participation is draining Regions resources. That being the case I would like to try to establish some form of compensation for families traveling over two hours to preps. This year we are trying to incorporate some U/L preps into C & up camp by using qualified NE’s.
RIC REPORT: UPPER LEVEL TESTS Overall Regional Test Results 2015 compared to HB: 5 MS(one retest from last year) HA: 1 MS, 1 DNMS C3 Trad: 3 MS, 4 Cancelled, 1 Withdrawl C3 SJ: 1 yet to test B Trad: 2 Withdrawls B SJ: 1 MS A Trad: 1 Withdrawl 2014 HB: 2 MS, 1 retest HA: 1 Retest C3 Trad: 3 MS, 2 Withdrawls, 1 DNMS B Trad: 0 C3 SJ: 1 MS C3 D: 1 DNMS A Trad: 1 MS
HMO REPORT See Document
NOMINATION OF 2016 SLATE Presented by Nominating Committee: Joan Griffith, Chair Kathy Cieslak Bridget Bryson
NEW BUSINESS: FUNDRAISING Fundraising: Calendars in the works, coming soon Awards Ball Cancelled for 2015, rescheduled for March
2016 TENTATIVE CALENDAR Feb 4-7 USPC Annual Meeting (so our Spring Meeting will need to be after this) March 5/6: Spring Meeting, Standards and certifications Clinic, HB/HA Prep with Asia Thayer March 19/20 Quiz Rally in Hopedale, IL(Peoria Area) April: Upper Level Prep TBA May14/15 Eventing Rally with FRV Mini Event May 21 Games Rally May 28/29: Upper Level Prep with Terri Rocovich June 16/17TET Rallyat FVSA in Hampshire June 18 Show Jump Rally at FVSA in Hampshire June 19 Dressage Rally at FVSA in Hamphshire June 29/30-July 1 HB/HA Test(possible) July Upper Level Prep: TBA July 7-10 D Camp/D Rally at FVSA in Hampshire July Heartland Region/NCPR C Camp at Hoosier Horse Park July USPC Champs East Aug 5-11 USPC Champs Central Aug 5-11 USPC Champs Central August Lakeshore Region C3 and Up Test Sept 9-11 HB/HA Test(possible)
NEW BUSINESS Camps Testing Committees
OTHER BUSINESS: Winter HB/HA Study – Session 1 – December 5th Location : Danada Equestrian Center, Naperville IL – East Entrance – 1 story White Building by Parking Lot Hosted by St James Pony Club WCPHC, FRVPC and SJPC have come together to offer HB Study Days for the Winter Months! These will be geared towards HB level topics and taught at the HB level. By combining forces, we hope to each offer a SPECTACULAR day of learning for our UL members (C level curious minds welcome, too). We each will host one of them, beginning with: Dec 5 = SJPC = Teaching & Shoeing/Feet (w/ a mid-time networking activity / lunch Jan 2 = FRVPC = Record Book/ Conditioning & Tack (w/ a mid-time networking activity / lunch) Feb 11 (due to Annual USPC Mtg dates) = WDHPC = Teeth & Lameness (w/ a mid-time network-ing activity / lunch) Mar 5 – hold this date for a potential add-on (could be bumped a week, depending on when Quiz Rally is scheduled) Apr 2 – hold this date for a potential add-on
OTHER BUSINESS Need Club Calendars or 2016 Please pay dues through online form
ADJOURNMENT Sharing and Training To Follow