CONCLUDING PARAGRAPHS Don’t leave us hanging!
PURPOSE: The purpose of a concluding paragraph is to: Restate your thesis/claim in NEW words Show the reader the implications of what you are trying to prove Show the importance of what you have stated in your essay Leave the reader thinking about your paper
STRUCTURE: T.I.C T = Thesis Restated I = Implication Sentences (2) C = Clincher/Call to Action
T = THESIS RESTATED Restate your thesis This does NOT mean repeat your thesis! Come up with a new way to state your thesis Should reflect the knowledge learned in your essay Ex: When choosing the best pet for your family consider a cat because they are cleaner and much easier to care for than dogs.
IMPLICATION SENTENCES Implication Sentences should: Tell the reader what the implications are of your thesis Explain the importance of result of your thesis Who cares? Or So what? Ex: With a cat as a family pet, your family will be more free to travel or leave for periods of time without worrying about a mess. You will still have a great companion without all the hassle of a dog, which will create way more work for your family.
CLINCHER OR CALL TO ACTION Clincher or call to action: Leaves the reader with food for thought Could be: A famous quotation A twist on a common phrase Strong words A call to action Ex: Next time someone tells you that a dog is man’s best friend, tell them about your new kitten. Ex: Run, don’t walk, to the nearest shelter and adopt your family a cat.