Essay Structure l Introduction –Name, interests, age, home, what they enjoy, family, occupation, why they’re important –Author, title, summary of plot –Definition, why this issue is important, facts, history/current events, two sides and who is on them –Background information
Essay Structure (cont’d). l Controlling statement –Last sentence of introduction paragraph –Opinion –Three reasons
Essay Structure (more) l Body –Explain and support your opinion –Give examples and explain each reason
Essay Structure (the end) l Conclusion –Summarizes the whole essay (3-6 sentences) –NO NEW IDEAS!!!!!!!!!
Today’s Sentence l Because she likes sweet, grainy things, Jackie, the sugar addict, now eats sand covered with honey.
Essay Structure l Introduction –Name, interests, home, age, family, how you met, occupation, why this person is important –Title, author, characters, summary of plot, conflict, setting –Two sides and positions, importance of issue, definition, –Background information