ICOM 5995 (crypto) - Noack Crypto - Administrivia Prontuario - Please time-share and ask questions Info is in my homepage amadeus.uprm.edu/~noack/ Make bookmark for ICOM5995 (crypto) Page contains Prontuario (including exam and project dates) Links to old exams and labs Links to text author’s page Links to current assignments as developed Course includes Exams and lecture material Some problem sets Project (described in course page) Lab In OS/Networking lab – if needed Individual programs, possibly using java.crypt package
ICOM 5995 (crypto) - Noack More Administrivia Accounts already exist for most students Will be automatically created for others Please find me by - noack - or X3652 Projects Info on course page Try to form groups soon - three or four people Project can be: Hacking exploit study or countermeasure Study and explanation of crypto application – for example state of present-day browser security
ICOM 5995 (crypto) - Noack Course overview Overview A little history – and the scope of crypto and data security Symmetric Ciphers The various modern private-key algorithms Public-key Encryption And Hash Functions Identifying people at a distance – authentication of documents Network Security Practice System Security
ICOM 5995 (crypto) - Noack Overview Services, Mechanisms, and Attacks A Model for Network Security
ICOM 5995 (crypto) - Noack Symmetric Ciphers Classical Encryption Techniques Block Ciphers And The Data Encryption Standard Block Cipher Principles The Data Encryption Standard and Its Analysis Block Cipher Modes of Operation Introduction To Finite Fields Advanced Encryption Standard Contemporary Symmetric Ciphers Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption
ICOM 5995 (crypto) - Noack Public-key Encryption And Hash Functions Introduction To Number Theory Public-key Cryptography And Rsa Key Management; Other Public-key Cryptosystems Message Authentication And Hash Functions Hash Algorithms Digital Signatures And Authentication Protocols
ICOM 5995 (crypto) - Noack Network Security Practice Authentication Applications Electronic Mail Security IP Securlty Web Security
ICOM 5995 (crypto) - Noack System Security Intruders Malicious Software Firewalls