Tips for Making your videos Make sure that your video is less than a minute long. Consider making two videos (one for each exercise) and attaching both to your assignment. If you are looking for another way to submit this video project for grading, you can also use the Web 2.0 tools. You will find access to Web 2.0 tools by clicking on the last blue tab bar (directly under "Logoff") on the left side of the page. Once you have entered the introduction, you will notice a drop down menu. Select "Audio and Video". This will provide two links to help you share a video. The links are School Tube and Teacher Tube. Click on one or both links and follow the steps to upload your video. When you are ready to submit to me for grading, just be sure to include the link you have created in the Student Comments Section so that I can view your video. If you are using Windows Movie Maker, please go to step 3 "Finish Movie" and package it if you were sending it in an . This will actually save the file in a.wmv format and will allow me to open and view it. If you are using a phone or a MAC product we suggest saving it as an AVI file. You could always consider making it a YouTube video and sending that link in the file. Please contact our Tech Help Desk at Select #2 so they can troubleshoot any issues you may have with submitting this assignment.