Age and growth analysis of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the western and central North Pacific Ocean 西部和中部北太平洋海域灰鯖鮫 之年齡成長分析 Yasuko Semba & Hideki Nakano & Ichiro Aoki Environ Biol Fish (2009) 84:377–391 speaker :陳怡婷
Shortfin Mako Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Chondrichthyes Subclass Elasmobranchii Order Lamniformes Family Lamnidae Genus Isurus Species oxyrinchus 中文名 灰鯖鮫 圖片來源 資料來源
Biology Habitats : Ocean 、 Deep Sea 、 Coastal Habitats Depth : M Max Lenth : 400 cm Size at birth estimated to be about cm in TL. Ovoviviparous, with a uterine cannibal.
r-organismsK-organisms short-livedlong-lived small adult sizelarge adult size weakstrong or well-protected waste a lot of energyenergy efficient have large littershave small litters reproduce at an early agereproduce at a late age fast maturationslow maturation strong sex driveweak sex drive small size at birthlarge size at birth
Characteristic Wide distribution, and prefers temperatures of 17 to 22°C. (Casey and Kohler 1992) Migration Sexual/ontogenetic stage segregation
Distribution 資料來源
Sustainable Development The recent and rapid collapse of large predatory fish populations is a global concern (Myers and Worm 2003, 2005). Information on life history parameters derived from age and growth analyses plays an integral role. Age determination is an important component of population analyses. In addition, the growth curves generated in this study were compared to those for populations in other geographic regions.
Materials and methods
Sample collection Sampling period : 1992~2005 by the Japanese research vessels and tuna longline training vessels. Sampling amount : 275 individuals (128 males and 147 females). Sampling site : western and central North Pacific Ocean.
Fig. 1 Sampling locations for the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the western and central North Pacific Ocean. Each point denotes a position where samples were collected.
Fig. 2 Length frequency of the specimen used for the analysis PCL ( cm ) TL ( mm ) DL ( mm ) FL ( mm )
DL, TL, FL with PCL PCL : 57.2 to cm
Step Sex determination Measure PCL Excise the vertebral column above the gill slits Froze the vertebral column at −40°C
Vertebral processing Boil the vertebrae Store it in 70% ethanol Cut off a single centrum Soak it in 6N NaOH Scrub it with a polishing buff Each centrum is cut into two longitudinal sections after drying The halfcut centra with the focus were used for analysis after washing away the bone particle and drying for 1 day
Four techniques to enhance vertebral growth bands 1.shadowing (half-cut centra; Francis and Maolagáin 2000) 2.alizarin staining (section;Berry et al. 1977) 3.silver nitrate staining (whole centra; Stevens 1975) 4.soft X-radiography (whole or half-cut centra; Cailliet et al. 1983)
Method of age determination shadowingalizarin staining silver nitrate staining soft X- radiography Vertebralhalf-cut centrasagittal sectionwhole centrawhole or half-cut centra Growth bands convex concave lightly stained (opaque) deeply stained (translucent) translucent region opaque region Spending time shorttestlonger shorter analysismore precision and clarity less information overestimation
The shadowing method 1.Simplicity 2.Visual clarity 3.Relative abundance of information amount 4.Less time-consuming process
Fig. 3 Half of a vertebral centrum with lateral illumination from fiber- optic sources. The triangles indicate a convex structure or growth band. This example is from a 137 cm PCL female, with a vertebral centrum radius of 9.5 cm, and an estimated age of 4.6 years
Age determination In this way, the convex and concave structures were observed as light and dark regions, respectively. These structures correspond to the opaque (convex) and translucent (concave) regions observed in the sagittal section. The vertebrae of neonates, which displayed only a birthmark, were excluded from this analysis.
CR with PCL The centrum radius (CR) is the distance from the focus to the edge of the centrum perpendicular to the direction of the cutting plane. The CR was measured to the nearest 0.01 mm CR
Fig. 6 Age-bias plot of 275 shortfin mako vertebral counts from two independent readings by the first author. The open and solid mark indicate the observed counts and the mean counts assigned by the second count for all fish which was assigned a given count in the first count up to 12, respectively. The vertical bars for the solid mark up to the first count of 11 indicate the 95% confidence interval. The one to one equivalence line is also represented.
PA= [No. agreed/No. read]*100
Assuming that annuli (convex structures) are formed soon before or after 1 December, age in years was calculated as follows: x = the number of convex structure y = the month when the individual was caught (1≤y≤12).
L t = PCL at time t (cm) L 0 = size at birth (cm)(74 cm TL) (Joung and Hsu 2005) L ∞ =asymptotic length (cm) K = brody growth constant (year −1 ). VBGE with size at birth
Results Male : 53~240 cm (PCL) Female : 57~300cm (PCL)
the allometric equation for regression analysis
Akaike’s Information Criterion AIC = n ln(MSE) + 2K model N (no bandperiodicity) : model A (annual periodicity) : model B (biannual periodicity) :
The estimated growth equations t = age (years)
The estimated S.E. of L ∞ for females was larger than that for males, while S. E. of K for males was larger than for females
Growth Fig. 7 Estimated von Bertalanffy growth curves for female and male shortfin mako in the western and central North Pacific Ocean PCL : 308 cm FL : 370 cm
Growth band formation Convex dominant in the winter and concave dominant in the summer. Neonates captured in May and June suggested that the formation of the first convex concentric structure (birthmark) occurs after parturition. Branstetter (1987) We determined that the growth increment between the birthmark and the second annulus is approximately 7 months.
Fig. 8 Comparison of growth curves to those reported in previous studies for a males and b females. The curves reported by Pratt and Casey (1983) were recalculated assuming one growth band pair formation per year
Growth comparisons among geographical regions Eastern North Pacific (Cailliet and Bedford 1983; Ribot-Carballal et al. 2005) Atlantic (Pratt and Casey 1983); (Natanson et al. 2006) South Pacific (Bishop et al. 2006)
Conclusion Our data from the western and central Pacific Ocean indicate that shortfin makos in this area grow slowly and mature late, and our results provide insight into the population structure. A better understanding of the age structure in a unified regional framework will allow us to construct effective guidelines for the assessment and management of the shortfin mako population.
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