Designing Outcome-Based Professional Development Agendas and Programs Pat Otto Pacific Education Institute
Agenda: Review outcomes and objectives Create an agenda or lesson plan Resources
What are: Goals Outcomes Objectives
What are: Goals Outcomes Objectives
Outcome, Objective, or Neither? Outcomes define what participants will be able to do in “real life” as a result of the program in which they are participating. Objectives define what participants actually do at a PD event that prepares them to meet the outcomes.
Let’s play a game! Directions: With a partner, identify which of the following statements are outcomes, objectives, or neither
Outcome, Objective, or Neither? 1.Participants appreciate the benefits of taking students outdoors. 2.Participants offer a PLT or WILD PD for teachers. 3.Participants describe the stages that leaf buds go through as leaves develop throughout the year. 4.Participants understand the value of forests and trees. 5.Participants describe at least 3 ways that PLT meets their priorities and needs. 6.Participants teach a PLT/WILD lessonto their students
Let’s build an outcome-based PD agenda or lesson plan! Directions: Form a group (<4) for the workshop theme you’d like to work with
Get into groups according to: 1. Classroom teacher-Unit Planning-1 group 2. Environmental Education Program-3 groups Development 3. Professional Development Planning-3 groups
Step 1: Write outcomes Directions: 1. Decide on a theme or content for Workshop, program or Classroom Unit 2. With your group, identify 1-3 outcomes for your thematic PD event or classroom/program
Step 2: Write objectives Directions: With your group, identify at least one learning objective related to one of your outcomes
Step 3: Plan learning activities Directions: With your group, identify at least one learning activity for that objective
Step 4: Select debriefing activities Directions: With your group, identify at least one debriefing activity for that objective
Step 5: Look around the room Directions: Circulate around the room to see others’ flip charts
How did it go? Directions: Take a moment to reflect on the agenda you created with your group
Crafting an Agenda Directions: Look at the draft template. What do you like about it? What might you change?
End of workshop survey Quiz Post- workshop test Interview Self-report Observation Student test scores Teacher reports of student outcomes Evaluating Workshops
Now, how do you feel about all this focus on OUTCOMES for professional development, program and unit development? Directions: Stand next to the image that best represents how you feel
Questions? Comments? Remember to fill out the session evaluation!