Sexual Ethics
Abortion Biblical basis- Exodus 21:22-23 Issues –Rodef- pursuer –Viability of fetus –When does life begin Ultra-orthodox Orthodox/Conservative Reform
Birth Control Expectation of having children –First commandment in Torah- be fruitful and multiply Question of spilling seed –Genesis 38, 6-10 What is permitted and forbidden
Relationships “The times for conjugal duty prescribed in the Torah are: –for men of independent means, every day; –for laborers, twice a week; –for donkey drivers, once a week; –for camel drivers, once in thirty days; –for sailors, once in six months.” Talmud, Ketubot 61b Cannot change profession if it means less frequency or more onerous (like becoming a tanner)
sexual pleasure is a wife’s right and a husband’s obligation a man may not compel his wife to fulfill the marital obligation if a husband refuses to perform his marital obligation in a loving, romantic, and sexually pleasing way, his wife actually has the right to demand a divorce
Fertile Technology Basic Principle –“Be fruitful and multiply” [First biblical commandment] Artificial Insemination IVF Surrogate Motherhood
IVF Basically accepted AIH AID Status of spare embryos
Homosexuality Biblical basis –Lev. 18:22; Lev. 20:13; Deut. 23:17 –Are the laws equal for men and women Various views today –Reform –Conservative –Orthodox
Ritual Uncleanliness Taharat Ha-Mishpaha Basis- Leviticus: 15:19-30, 18:19, 20:18 Leviticus Not just says of low but 7 additional days Nothing to do with physical uncleanliness Mikva